Part 37

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Kai's POV

Bella dives underwater before I could say anything. The water is clear enough for me to see her swim towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Ok, wanna play dirty?" I say to myself.

I decide to scare her with a prank.

I tear off a piece of my swim shorts and place it where I was. I swim back to the shore keeping myself hidden from Bella.

"Luhan, Sehun, Xiumin!" I call to them.

Luhan turns around first. "Hmm?"

"Help me out here. I'm going to scare Bella. I tore off a piece of my shorts and left it where I was. So, when she sees it and get a scared, call to her. Saying 'Oh my gosh, Bella, come here!" I'll be on the ground pretending to be unconscious. Like, I drowed and Luhan saved me. So, get wet!" I push Luhan into the water with one push.

"Aish! Kai!" Luhan flops around in the water.

"Good, good. It'll be believable." Sehun laughs and crosses his hands.

"But wouldn't Bella know if you were drowing? She would know if Luhan screamed and jumped in the water." Xiumin questions.

I shrug. "Well, what then?"

"So, here's what you do..." Luhan gets out of the water and puts his arm around my shoulder. "I know Bella, I know what'll scare her."

I nod. "I'm listening."

"Bella, she's pretty strong and athletic. But her weakness is when she gets tickled. Or when she sees someone getting hurt or bullied and she has no choice but to watch." Luhan explains while we walk around.

"OK, that's good information. So, what's the plan?"

"We'll need everybody in this."

Bella's POV

"Where's Kai? Oh no, what happened?" I look around. As I'm looking around, something catches my eye. "Omo! What's that?!"

I swim over and pick up a piece of cloth. Wow, this looks like Kai's swim shorts. My heart stops. I freeze as my mind plays scary scenarios in my mind.

I hear screaming and shouting from the shore.

"AHHH!! PLEASE STOP, DON'T!!" I hear Luhan scream.

Masked people were fighting with Kai and Kris! What is this?

My mouth widens. "Oh no!"

I quickly start swimming as fast as I can. Nothing can stop me! That's Kim Jong in right there!

I make my way to the shore and look around for clues on what's happening. I gasp as I see Lay, Chen, Tao, and Xiumin on the sand completely out.

I run to them. "Are you ok?" I slap their faces. "Oh no! No, no, no, please. Please, wake up!"

Lay groans and points to Kai.

I look over and see Kris trying to free Kai. One of the masked men punches Kris and he falls to the ground.

I gasp once more. "What, no!"

I get up and run to him. He lays on the floor with his hands covering his face.

"Let go of him! He has nothing to do with you!" Luhan shouts. He's trying to scare them off. Even though, he's keeping his distance with them.

Kai looks at me with worried eyes. All I could do was tell him to wait.

I sneak behind the masked men and tap Kai's shoulder while Luhan was screaming at them.

"Is this a prank?" I whisper to him. I'm putting out all reasons why this doesn't make much sense.

Kai shakes his head vigorously.

I point to him. "Don't lie."

Sehun, D.O, and Suho appear next to me with masks on.

"OH MY GOSH!" Sehun screams.

"What?! Aren't you? Wait, you aren't- Then who is...OH MY GOSH! SAVE ME!" Kai freaks out.

"Shut up, idiot!" One of the masked men hisses. He punches Kai and he falls to the ground.

I scream.

D.O and Suho pull me back.

"Be careful!" D.O tells me. "You might get hurt too!"

"No! I have to save him!" I swat D.O's arm away. I run after the men.

"Bella!" Luhan and Xiumin shout my name. "Don't hurt them!"

I point to D.O and Suho. "What are you trying to tell me?!"

Luhan and Xiumin's mouth widens in fear.

"Everyone, watch out! They're not Sehun or D.O!" Xiumin screams and warns everyone else

The men start talking in a different language. They pick up Kai and try running away.

I run in front of them and hold my hand out.

"You can't leave!" I shout.

I look over their shoulder and see Xiumin, Lay, Luhan, Chen, and Tao struggling to get Kris up.

I see D.O, Sehun, and Suho completely shocked.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun are away in the ocean having fun. Those dorks.

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