Part 23

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Kai's POV

Bella walks out of the kitchen and once she is out of sight, everyone turns to me.

I freeze.

"What is wrong with you?" Xiumin points his chop sticks at me.

I stay frozen.

"You should've given her the food! You should've talked to her at least!" Tao waves his hand in front of my face.

I slap his hand. "Why are you blaming me! Xiumin went and gave the food to her anyways. Plus, she wouldn't even look at me!"

"Fight for her!" Chanyeol yells while eating.

"Cover your mouth, have manners." Baekhyun throws a napkin at him.

Chanyeol chews in front of his face.


"Ignore them! Go get her, you guys are so meant for each other!" Chen says.

I sigh. "I don't know, we don't know each other well. She likes chicken, that's it."

"That's why you gotta get to know her! Talk to her!" Luhan points out.

"How are you gonna get anywhere if you don't talk?" Sehun laughs.

I shrug. "Fine, but what if it doesn't go well?"

"Don't what if, Kai, Bella likes you! She may be mad, but this can't last forever!" Tao makes a heart with his arms.

"Yeah! Bella does not like to hold grudges." Luhan says not looking away from his plate.

"Be yourself, Kai, you're the most charming guy I know." Lay smiles at me. I smile back.

Sehun choked on his water. "What about me?!"

"Kai's more charming." Lay laughs.

I stick my tongue out at Sehun. Sehun mocks me.

"Well, we still have this day. What are we going to do?"

"I'm practicing with Chanyeol, Chen, Lay, Suho, and Baekhyun over at the other studio." D.O says.

"I'm going shopping with Kris." Tao says.

"Sehun, Xiumin and I are gonna watch a movie." Luhan says.

"That leaves you with Bella! Perfect." Sehun winks at me while drinking his boba.

I roll my eyes. "You guys did this on purpose, didn't you?"

Everyone shakes their heads and laugh.

"No, actually." Luhan says.

"Well, good luck!" Tao wipes his mouth and gets up. He pats my back on his way to the kitchen.

"Fighting!" Kris pats my back too.

"Yeah, I'm finished. Hurry up, Baekhyun." D.O gets up.

"What about them?"

"Just hurry up." D.O washes his dish and Tao's and Kris's.


"Fighting!" Everybody says while leaving. I sigh and wipe my forehead.

I decide to clean up the table while I wait for Bella to come out.

Bella's POV

"Just make things right with Kai, ok? You can't be mad at him forever." That was the last thing Zoey said to me.

Ugh, what to do? Should I wait for Kai to apologize, or should I? I would be the bigger person if I did, but he is the guy. But that doesn't really matter now, right?

I lay back on my bed and sigh deeply. "What do I do?"

I hear the front door close.

"Fighting!" I hear people say. Oh no, who's leaving. If I get left with Kai, I might be in real trouble.

I quickly get up and sneak out the door. "Who's going?"

D.O, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Lay, Chen, and Suho are leaving. Kris and Tao are leaving. Sehun, Luhan, and Xiumin are leaving too! What? No? Omo! What do I do!?

I see Kai cleaning up. I smile. He looks cute when he's being all mature.

I walk out as quietly as I can. "Don't be too expressive." I whisper to myself.

"K-Kai?" I softly call to him.

He turns around and smiles at me. My heart melts. "Hey, Bella."

"H-Hi! Um, I was wondering, where did everyone go?" I try to play it cool.

"Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Chen, Lay, and Suho went to a studio to practice. Sehun, Xiumin, and Luhan went to see a movie. Tao and Kris went shopping." Kai explains while washing the dishes and throwing away trash.

"Oh, ok. Need some help?" I offer shyly.

"No, it's ok, I'm almost done." Kai says blankly.

I pout. "Is he still mad at me?" I say in my mind.

Kai finshes and wipes his hands using a towel. He turns around and stares at me. I turn away and sit down on the couch. Kai comes over and sits next to me.

"How would you like to learn how to dance?" Kai smiles down at me.

My eyes light up. "Really?"

"Haha, yeah! I could teach you. I need to practice myself anyways, so."

I nod my head excitingly. "Sounds like fun!"

"Ok, follow me." Kai grabs my hand and drags me downstairs.

"This house is bigger than I thought." I say as we go downstairs to another big room with doors.

"This is what we call the Practice Paradise! Because there's a dance studio over there, a musical theater over there, a sound recording room, a mini karaoke room, and a gym next to it. This, in the middle, is just another living room, you could say. " Kai explains pointing all around.

My jaw drops at the huge living space they have.

Kai tugs at my hand, pulling me towards the dancing studio.

"Wait, if there's a music theater here, why did D.O and them leave?" I ask.

"Oh, because they prefer that one because its bigger, and it has mirrors. The one here is more like a stage type."


We walk into the dance studio. There's a big wall mirror in the front and speakers on the walls. The floor is hardwood and the walls are filled with Exo posters. I also see a camera at a bench on the right side or the room. The room is really big and it looks really awesome. Ah! I'm standing in Exo's practice room!

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