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My flight back to Barcelona is tomorrow. I missed home. It was perfect. The perfect people, the perfect place, the memories i recall here is just perfect. Everything was perfect and I just didn't want to leave. My parents are especially the reason I want to stay. I missed them more than anything. I felt like a child again who didn't need to care about anything in the world. Now when I go back I have to care about my next meal, my rent payment, my bills, transport, basically everything.

I did some last minute shopping today for things that aren't available in spain. My sister left back to london last week because she came earlier than me.


I said goodbye to my parents at the airport and boarded my flight. While waiting for my flight I was sitting and downloading a book on my iPad when I got approached by someone.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you but are you visiting Barcelona?"

I look up and it was a guy. He looked about my age. He looked like a famous model.

"No I live there now" I reply.

"Oh thats nice, I'm about to move there too. Do you know any nice places to go for a tourist?" He says still standing.

"I'm really sorry but I'm not quite sure. Maybe you should ask someone who's a proper local" I say smiling nervously.

"No worries. Do you mind if I take a seat next to you?" He asks pointing at the empty seat next to me.

"Uh yeah sure" I say moving over a bit.

"I don't mean to be straightforward but you are really pretty. I wasn't sure what you were going to look like when I approached you but I'm definitely happy I did." He said smiling.

"I have a boyfriend, but thank you" I reply

"Oh. My bad, I'm sorry. Is it alright if we be friends?" He asks nervously.

"Sure I guess" I say back.

The next few moments we sat and talked. I wanted to get out of this conversation so I excused myself to the bathroom. I called pedri.


I'm in my flight.

Have a safe flight pequeña. I miss you.

I miss you too. You'll never guess what happened.

What happened?

I was sitting and downloading a book to read for the flight. And then this stranger started asking me about Barcelona. Then he asked to sit next to me and started calling me pretty. It was so awkward because now he's seated next to me on the flight. 8 whole hours with him.

Wow. Remind me next time to fly with you at all times. But to be fair, I don't blame him, you are gorgeous. But you're my girlfriend. If he tries anything, call me immediately.

okay I'll see you. bye amante

y tú amas


the flight wasn't that bad. he still kept flirting with me indirectly. I felt weird. I wanted pedri by my side. I felt at ease with him.

It actually scared me how attached I was to him. Like what am i gonna do when we break up. As much as I cared for him I think I needed to space myself from him just to prepare myself.

When we landed, I got a text from pedri.


Hola, ¿ya aterrizó? (Hello did you land yet?)

Hii, yes I did just now

Vale, ya voy ( okay, I'm coming now)


I met him outside after getting my luggage. He quickly jogged and hugged me gently but close.

"Te extrañé ( i missed you)" he said into my ear while hugging me. "Yo también" I say back while kissing his cheek. He grabbed my bags and put them in the back. When he sat in the car he asked, "can you stay at mine tonight?". "I don't know, I have uni tomorrow" I reply. "Please, I'll drop you as soon as you wake up" he pleaded. "Fine, but I can't miss it, it's the first day" I say giving in. He smiles and kisses my hand.

We reach his and it's as neat as I first saw it. We ordered in and I told him all about what happened after he left. When I was talking about the guy friends I met up with, I could feel him get slightly annoyed. I didn't mean to annoy him, I just wanted to tell him about my friends.


We brushed our teeth and i did my skincare. I forced him to let me do a face mask on him and he surprisingly let me with little convincing. He kept complaining it was cold. I couldn't stop laughing.

Soon enough we took it off and headed to bed. He didn't waste time being close to me.


The next morning, I woke up earlier than I should have. Earlier than my alarm. It was 4.30 am. I don't know why I was awake, perhaps the jet lag. Anyway, I got up and got ready for the day. I had my orientation yesterday but missed it because I'm in my second term so today my first class was at 11 am.

I think I made a bit too much noise because pedri sat up straight. "What are you doing?" He asked me rubbing his eyes. "Nothing go back to bed" I said quietly in attempt to make him fall asleep. "No" he said still sitting. "Come back to bed" he said trying to pull me onto him. "I cant sleep" I say whispering. Honestly I don't know why I can't sleep whenever he's around. I'm still convincing myself it's the jet lag.

I waited for him to fall asleep so I could get back up again. Once he was asleep, I went to the living room and texted Renee.


Are you awake?

Why are you awake....
It's literally 6 am

I don't know. I'm at pedris rn.
I miss your face

You saw me 3 days ago woman but same❤️

Okay kys bye i have to go get ready for uni💔
Au revoir madame 😘


Soon enough it was 9 am. Pedri woke up an hour ago and showered. We had breakfast and I went to go wash my hands after. He was still at the table. I left my phone on the table. Unlocked.

I came back to find him looking through my phone. "What are you doing" I ask confused. "Nothing you left your phone unlocked and someone kept spamming" he said looking up at me. "Who's loml" he asked intensely. "My friend" I reply. "Are you sure? Is it a guy?" He asked. "No it's a girl pedri, what are these questions? Are you accusing me of cheating?". "No I'm just confused" he replies. "It's Renee. Not a guy" I say. "Oh, thank god" he says relieved. "I'm sorry for looking through your phone, honestly I had no intention of snooping. The constant spamming just looked urgent". "It's fine but you need to trust me" I say taking my phone back. 

An hour later I do my final touch ups and leave the house with pedri to the car. He dropped me off and said goodbye. I could see people whispering and staring. It made me uncomfortable.


My day finally ended with me getting açaí after class ended which was at 3 pm. I went home and caught up on homework. Me and pedri were texting. I was being a bit dry. Unintentionally. And finally went to bed.

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