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It's been a few months, about 9 months to be exact, of me settling into Madrid. I liked it better here. I was closer to renee and jude. The weather was better, the views were prettier and I no longer had reminders of him.

Jude had moved here for work in Madrid. He's a sport physiotherapist. I found out he worked for the Atletico Madrid official team. He was different than when I knew him at 14. But he still had the same characteristics that made me fall in love with him when I was 14. I knew that there were still articles that kept tabs on me and some posted about jude. I don't know how they managed to find me at a discreet restaurant while out with jude.

These past months, I did meet up with a few friends I had in Barcelona, including gavi. I told him not to tell pedri anything about our meetings and im hoping he actually listened.

I went ghost on social media. It was nice like this. More quiet and peaceful. I deleted my accounts and changed my number. I even changed my hair color. I had to match the idea of getting a new "identity". My hair was now dark brown/auburn. Gavi said he missed my original hair color. I did too but I had to let it go to find something better.

Speaking of gavi, I honestly feel bad. His birthday passed, he invited me but I didn't go because I knew he was gonna be there, but I still do gift him. I wasn't ready to see him. I don't understand how some people when they breakup, they do anything to see the other person, whereas I want to avoid seeing them at all costs because seeing them would only bring back loving memories which were now bittersweet and sad.

Pedris pov:

It felt strange. It felt strange having to wakeup and no one to hug. I missed her touch obviously, but we knew better than to contact each other. I'd say our breakup was mutual. But it didn't feel right. It felt like it was just in the heat of the moment. We could've gotten through it together.

I know she keeps in touch with gavi. At least I know she's safe and well. I also know they meet whenever she's in Barcelona. He tells me about her.

I just don't understand one thing. A few days after our breakup, she immediately packed up and moved to Madrid, it's like she was so confident on leaving. Was she planning this breakup the entire time?

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