Santiago in BCN

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It's been a few days since santi arrived in Barcelona. He told me he was staying at his family's house, alone. He invited me over this evening for a small gathering at his. It was with a few friends of his whom I obviously didn't know so it's understandable that I'm a bit nervous.

I start placing rollers in my hair to do a bouncy blowout and finish up choosing an outfit. I ended up choosing a pair of white linen beach pants and a baby blue corset top with a pair of brown hermes slippers. I quickly finish my makeup to get it over with and head to the car, still with the rollers in my hair.

I was 10 minutes away so I needed to take the rollers out. It did hurt a bit. Finally, I called santi and told him to let me in because his house had a gate operated opening. He had a guard sitting at the front, I really wonder what his family does to have to need a security guard at their home at all times.

I parked my car and as I was getting out I saw the massive two front doors open up letting out the music and a man. Santi.

"Heyy" he said going in for a hug. "Hii" I replied hugging him back. "You look really pretty" he said looking right into my face. I smile and thank him. I didn't know what to say, I get nervous when I get compliments. "Cmon let's go inside" he said holding my hand leading me into his beautiful foyer.

Just the foyer itself looked like it was built for a king and his family. It was so beautiful and classy. "Wow, you have a nice home" I say trying to express my appreciation for the architecture. "You can thank my mother for the designing, she has great taste" he replies still guiding the way. "Yeah that's clear" I reply and laugh slightly. He laughs too.

Soon enough we reached the party area. It was pretty chill. Santi also didn't drink much alcohol so there was no need to offer. "Do you want a drink? Don't worry I know you don't drink alcohol" he asks pointing to the little bar. "A water would be nice" I say. "You sure? Just a water? Edi can make any drink you ask him too" he replies trying to persuade me. "Okay then, a drink with the lowest amount of sugar and calories but is sweet and yummy" I say challenging him. He nods and goes to tell edi, the bartender.

I was now meeting some of his friends. They were all really nice and fun. They were all also extremely rich. So santis family must be involved in something to be this rich.

"It was great talking to you but I think I'm gonna head out now" I say to misha, one of his school friends. She nods and hugs me goodbye. I go and find santi to tell him I'm leaving.

"Santi, I'm gonna go now, but thank you so much for inviting me, everything was great, the people, edi, the food, I loved it all thank you" I say hugging him. He smiles and says, "I'm glad you enjoyed, let me drop you off to the gate" he says. I nod and walk towards the entrance of his home.

Soon enough we were outside standing. There was paparazzi. I don't even know how or why or for whom but there they were. But he wasn't surprised. For a moment me and him were just talking and we didn't break eye contact. It felt nice.

"Okay so I'll see you then" I say while pressing the unlock on my car keys. "We will" he says reassuringly. "Drive safe, text me when you're home" he says kissing my hair and hugging me. I hug him back then turn to open the door to drive home.


I reached home after about 40 minutes because I had to fill petrol. I didn't have wifi in that almost hour and my phone started spamming as I reached my front door. Most of the spam texts were from Renee.

"Read this it's about you"

And so on...

I press the article link she sent and it was a major headline.


"The buzz in town? A former supermodel and ex-girlfriend of football sensation Pedri has recently been seen hanging out at what seems to be the luxurious residence of Santiago Grimaldi. Could there be a secret romance brewing? Rumor has it they've been spotted giggling and holding hands in Madrid, fueling speculations about her newfound happiness post a disastrous breakup that saw her fleeing the city, leaving wedding hopes in the dust."

Along with photos of me and santi at his house, when he dropped me to my car. Photos of when he kissed my hair and hugged me. Photos of when we were just looking into each others eyes. Where was the privacy. I knew most of spain would see this. Including pedri and gavi.
I knew I was wrong for not telling Renee but I just wanted to keep something to myself for once. I sound selfish because she's my best friend but I can't help it. Now I have no choice but to tell her. But there really isn't anything to tell because him and I are nothing.

Pedris pov:

I was putting on a towel after my shower when i got a call from ferran.
"Está en Barcelona (she's in Barcelona)"
"¿Quién? (Who?)"
"Your girl"
"Who's my girl fer"
"Que? How do you know she's here?"
"Go read what I'm gonna send you, but don't get mad"

Get mad? Why would I get mad? I end the call and go press the link he sent me. It's from a reliable site so I'm guessing it's real.


Well that's not a great start. I don't recall being a mystery man with her. I somehow skip the words and scroll down to the photos. He was good looking for sure and she does look happy too. I don't know why but I felt weird. The way she was looking at him, it truly seemed like she was in love again but with him this time.

I went back up to actually read the article and the last sentence was kind of harsh, "fueling speculations about her newfound happiness post a disastrous breakup that saw her fleeing the city, leaving wedding hopes in the dust." In all honesty people twist everything. She didn't leave Barcelona because of me. I didn't even know she was back in Barcelona. I want to call her but I know it wouldn't be right. These photos posted are actual proof of her moving on and being happy. Maybe I should too.

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