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It was 6 am. I look to my side to see jude still asleep peacefully. I went to go shower to get ready for wherever gavi was planning on taking me at 8 am. I chose a navy blue skirt and basic polo.

I did my makeup light dewy and a voluminous blow out

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I did my makeup light dewy and a voluminous blow out. It was 8.15 and I was a bit hungry so grabbed a breakfast bar and banana. I put my shoes on and took a bottle of water. I said bye to Renee and jude before heading downstairs to Gavis car. I keep forgetting this child can drive.

"Hola" I say getting into the car. "Hola, you're on time for once" he says smiling. "Shush" I say putting my seatbelt. "You really suit blue" he says driving out of the gates. "Merci monsieur" i say jokingly. "Tu parle français?" He says in return. I was a bit surprised on how he knew how to speak French. "Comment savoir parler français ?" I ask looking right at him. "Ousmane, he's French" he replies still looking ahead on the road. "Ahhh, vale vale" I say nodding. "So Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see" he says. "Gavi, please I hate surprises" - "it's not a surprise, you know this place" - "GAVI TELL ME" I say a bit annoyed. -"fine but you can't get mad" - "I won't" - "training" - "gavi, why. I don't want to see him"- "but the others want to see you, they kept asking about you" -  I don't say anything.
"I'll keep him away from you, I promise" he says. "Fine"


We pull up and he stops to take a few pictures with fans. I could already feel the rumors starting. A girl being seen in Gavis car is never a good thing. I knew people were gonna call me a whore for "dating" pedris best friend or they're gonna call him a bad friend.

I knew that they'd try to figure out who I was so I kneeled down to pretend to look for something on the cars floor. So they can't see my face. Finally, after about 5 minutes of me continuously kneeling down, I sat right up. "Smart move" he says laughing at me. "Next time, take your time" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes at the fact that my back was hurting.

We reach and he parks. It's next to pedris car. He leads the way to the grounds but first we stop by the changing rooms for him to change. "I'll wait outside" I say before letting him enter. "It's fine, you can come in" he says grabbing my hand to bring me in. "I don't wanna see any naked men" I say trying to stay put. Instead of answering, he checks the room and says, "they're all out on the pitch, it's empty". "Okay" I reply and go in with him.

I start looking at the names and pictures on the seats and he finally finishes changing. "Ready?" He asks before putting in his shin pads. "Are you ready" I say looking at him still trying to tie his shoelaces. He goes out and holds the door for me.

On the way to the pitch he starts telling me about how today's training is and how long it is. "It'll be about 2 hours, if it's a lot for you to wait or if it's hot, just tell me, I'll ask my sister to drop you off" he says. "No it's fine, I can wait" I reply. "Enjoy training" I say pinching his cheek and jokingly slapping his face. He laughs and jogs over to the rest.

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