El tonto

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Pablo was throwing a small gathering at his house tonight. He invited me and told me I could bring Santiago if I wanted. So I did invite him but he apologized like a thousand times for not being able to come because of this thing with his father.

He told me to come earlier because he wanted company so I left the house at 7. I parked a bit far from his house so people don't recognize my car and then find his house or whatever just mainly safety precautions.

I ring the doorbell and his sister opens it. "Auraaa" I say going in for a hug. Even though I was closer to Pablo, I got to know Aurora on the way. She was super kind. "Amaraaa, how are you girl" she says going in for a hug. I hug her back while replying, "really good and you?". She replies back with, "that's great to hear, I've been good too". We both walk into the living room where gavi was sat. Before I could ask Aurora anything else, gavi interrupted. "Finally" he says getting up. He comes in for a hug and I hug him back. "So who else is invited to this little gathering" I ask curiously. "Just a few friends, you know them all obviously" he replies. "Okay" I say sitting down on the couch.

We sat and talked for a while until the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Aurora says getting up. In the meantime, me and gavi were betting on who it was. "I'm telling you it's gonna be alejandro" he says. "And I'm telling you it's gonna be Fermin" I reply. We heard footsteps coming our way so we both stared at the entrance waiting to see who it was. It ended up being Balde instead. Well, at least we were both wrong.

Soon enough the house started to fill up. I was talking to Fermin at this moment. He was actually so interesting. He was also genuine and funny. Mid convo I heard Balde yelling at the door. I look back to see who he was talking to and it was Pedri and ferran who just walked in.

I think he caught me staring because he looked straight at me while still greeting others. He was still as beautiful as the day I first met him, maybe even more. He kept his beard, which I found so attractive on him. His hair also slightly messy and wavy. This man is truly my weakness.

Fermin excused himself to go meet Pedri and ferran. I nodded and went into a bathroom. As I was fixing myself up I heard a knock on the door so I replied, "One second". The knocking didn't stop. "I said one second" I slightly shout getting a little annoyed. The knocks started to get harder and more frequent. I finally opened the door to see who was knocking. To my luck it was Aurora.

"Aurora?" I ask surprised. "Amara, sorry I just had to tell you that Santiago was here" she said pointing to the couch. He was sat there by himself with a glass in his hand. He was in a conversation with gavi, who was laughing. I thank aurora and smile then head over to the two.

"Santi?" I say to him while hugging his shoulders from behind the couch. He holds onto my arm and smiles. "What changed your mind?" I asked. "I wanted to get closer to your friends" he said. I let go of him and give him space to stand up. He hugs me properly now. He kisses my cheek and leaves the couch area to come to me. He greets gavi goodbye with a handshake and walks away with me.

He takes my hand into one of the corners of the room and talks. "So you wanted to get to know my friends?" I say teasing him. "I figured if I wanted to get closer to you I should know who you like" he says leaning into my ear as the music around us was pretty loud. "I never really asked you, what do you parents do?" I ask as the question has been on my mind for a while. He looks at me for a second as if he was doubting me. He looked hesitant. "One day I'll tell you, but don't worry it's nothing illegal" he says. I nod in agreement to respect his boundaries.

We continue to talk for a while when mid convo I look around the room to see if we could go sit somewhere as my feet were killing me. While looking around I spot Pedri. He was kissing another girl. She looked pretty into it as she looked like was holding onto his neck for dear life. His eyes were open though. He spotted me staring and looked right at me. I obviously looked away. I felt weird. I needed a second to breathe. "One second I'll be right back" I whisper into santis ear before walking away.

I find myself in the corner of gavis garden. For some reason, I start scrolling through my camera roll. More specifically scrolling through photos of me and Pedri. He was good to me. Maybe i still do have feelings for him. I look away from my phone to grasp on reality. To focus in real life.

I spotted a cigarette pack and a lighter hidden on the top of the wall. I don't know what came across me to take one and light it up. I've never smoked before. I inhale and start coughing. Thankfully there was a little amount of people outside to realize. I inhale once again but this time I cough a little. I close my eyes and slowly exhale all the smoke, forming a cloud.

"You smoke now?" I heard a voice say to me. I quickly open my eyes and look to the man who said the words. Pedri. "No" I say and look back straight ahead. "Then what's this for" he says sounding a bit mad. "I don't have to answer to you, you know that right?" I say sounding a bit disgusted. He didn't say anything back, he just took the cigarette out of my hand and crushed it with his shoes. "Don't smoke ever again" he said gently but intensely. "You're not my dad" I say annoyed at what he just did. I didn't want to be near him at all after the image of him and that girl kept replaying in my head so I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Espera" he says. I don't listen. I wasn't far off so he grabbed my wrist. "Don't touch me" I say warning him. He lets go. His gaze is soft. He looks offended and hurt. "Are you with him?" He asks. Who is he talking about? For a second I forgot about santi. "Like I said before, I don't answer to you Pedro" I reply. "Are you?" He asks stepping forward. He's looking me in the eye. "No" I reply. "Good" he says smiling gently. "I'm not with anyone" he says breaking the silence. "I didn't ask" I say trying to hide my relief. "I know you Amara" he says confidently. "The girl I was kissing-" he tries saying but I cut him off with, "no it's fine It doesn't matter I promise" I say softly.

"I still love you" he confesses. "If you loved me, you wouldn't kiss another girl Pedro" i say feeling a bit hurt. "Don't act like you didn't do anything with jude" he says. "I didn't Pedri" - "so a whole year with him and you didn't touch him once" - "no Pedri I didn't touch him once, I never kissed him, I never slept with him, never held hands with him, nothing" I confessed. He looks at me with such curiosity and confusion. "But why?" He asked. "Remember when we first started dating, I told you that I only like touching what's mine, jude was never special to me. I knew he wasn't my future. I don't like giving myself out to people I don't see in my future" I reply. "So I'm the only guy you've-" he tries asking. "You're the only man I've touched" I say embarrassed. I couldn't handle the embarrassment so I walked away.

I felt a pair of hands grab me back in. The next thing I knew was his lips onto mine. "Pedri-" I say trying to cut the kiss. "Please cariña, give me one chance, let me make it up to you" he says letting go. I think about it for a second. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. I loved him, I always did. "Please Amara, I don't want to ever let you out of my sight" he says holding both my hands in pleading. "Okay" I say. "Can I kiss you?" He now asks. "Now you're asking for permission" I say teasing him. He rolls his eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I ask because where did he get this new attitude from. "No" he says rolling his eyes again. "Okay" I say walking away. He pulls me back in and starts kissing my neck. "No don't ever roll your eyes at me again" I say jokingly trying to get him off of my neck. "Okay okay I'm sorry" he says softly.

We were against the wall but he kept kissing my neck. I gave him more access by looking up. It tickles so I laughed a bit. "Pedri-" I say softly. After a while I did feel a bit hurt as he kept going over the same spot. "What are you doing?" I asked in a bit of pain. "You'll see" he says continuing. I could feel him smirking.

The pain was the good pain. He finished doing whatever he was doing. I took out my phone to fix my face and hair. I noticed something on my neck. A big spot. It was blue and purple. A hickey. "Pedri" I say slightly pushing him in annoyance. "What?" He says laughing knowing exactly what I was talking about. "This isn't funny" I say still looking at it through my phone. "It is, now everyone knows you're off limits, especially Santiago" he says while smirking evilly. "It's only fair" I say before I do the same to him. He kept letting out soft moans through the kiss. It was funny. "You are the only woman to drive me crazy" he says as I let go. I laughed at him because it was cute. "Marking my territory" I say kissing him with my arms around his neck. He kisses me back with his hands rested on my lower back.

A bit cringe and hard to write sorry. I did not imagine Pedri whilst writing this.

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