Chapter 2

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Daniel POV

"Lando can't keep his mouth shut, can he?" I say to Max over facetime.

"You're staying in the same apartment block as my favourite singer. Did you really think he wouldn't tell me?' He asks "also why didn't you tell me,"

"Because I know you'd make it a big deal," I shrug, moving around the apartment.

"Have you spoken to her much?'

"We've had a few passing conversations this past week,"

"Why don't you ask her out for coffee," I laugh

"You're joking, right? I can't just ask her that,"

"Why not?"

"You know why,"

"So what if she's younger than you doesn't stop you from being friends," I roll my eyes at him. "You could do with a friend over there,"

"I have friends here,"

"You don't stop lying to yourself," I huff.

"You know what, fine,"

"Wait, really?"

"Yep, I'll ask her as friends,"

"You have to tell me and Lando everything,"

"Whatever you say," I hang up. I grab my keys and walk down to her apartment. I'd seen her come out of a few times, so this should be the right one.

I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. Swaying back and forth, she pulls the door open, and our eyes meet.

"Daniel," she says, shocked. "Hi,"

"Hi," I smile at her. "I was just about to go get a coffee. I was wondering if you'd like to join?"

"You want me to join?" I nod.

"I would like it if you did," she smiles at me and then nods.

"Let me just grab my things," I wait at the entrance for her, and she walks out.

"I'll try my hardest not to spill it on you this time," I say as we get into my car.

"If anything, I should be the one spilling it on you,"

"Payback? Maybe you should stay here," she laughed, and I felt something in my stomach as she did so.

"Have you tried Mama Gs?"

"I haven't. Is it any good?"

"The best coffee shop in Brooklyn," she states.

"That's a bold statement,"

"I stand by it,"

"Then let's give it a try," I type in the directions and begin to drive, turning on the radio her song, "Get him back," starts to play.

I looked over at her, and she was singing along. I smiled doing the same as the two of us dancing and singing to the music as I made my way to the coffee shop.

"We've just misses the rush," she says as I pull in.

"Grace," the elderly woman says as we enter she walks over and hugs her. "I've missed seeing your face,"

"Where have you been?" Grace asks, taking the women's hands in hers. I smile at the interaction.

"My health hasn't been the best," she says, her head falling down.

"If I had known, I would have visited,"

"That's why I told them not to let you know you're a busy woman,"

"Never too busy for you," the lady looks up, and her eyes meet mine.

"Who is this handsome young man," I smile at her, making my way over to the two of them.

"Mama, this is Daniel, Daniel. This is Mama,"

"It's nice to meet you," i say.

"Daniel?" Mama looks at Grace."Is this the driver you obsess over," I look at Grace, her cheeks turning red.

"I don't obsess over him," she shakes her head.

"Don't lie," Mama says. "I had to endure countless conversations last year about how Mclaren treated this man,"

"Do you really have to out me like that," Mama shrugs, making her way to the kitchen.

"I'll get your usual and for you dear?"

"I'll have the same," I take a seat next to Grace, whose head was laying in the table clearly embarrassed.

"You obsess over me?" She groans.

"I've never wanted the ground to swallow me as much as I do right now," I move her head so she can see me.

"Don't be embarrassed,"

"She's just outed me,"

"I obsess over you too," I shrug she sits up straight.

"You do?"

"When you left your label and then had that nasty break up, I couldn't stop speaking about it," I admit, "along with Max and Lando those two are die-hard fans,"

"Thank you, you've saved me from the embarrassment slightly,"

"Always here to help," we smile at each other as Mama places our food and drinks down.

"Enjoy. Remember, it's on the house,"

"Mama, no," Grace says. "You can't keep doing that,"

"You're my favourite and best customer. it's the most I can do," Grace shakes her head as the woman disappears.

"You come here a lot then?"

"I do when I first moved to New York. I was just starting out. I barely had a following. I moved into a small apartment a few streets down, and I came across this place," I listen "it was really quiet she said they didn't get many customers so I visited everyday and then when I made it big they started to get more and more customers,"

"So this place grew the same as you?"

"You could say that yeah, she says that I helped her get here, but in reality, she helped me get to where I am,"

"Where are you originally from?"

"Texas," my smile widens.

"A country girl," I say.

"Yes, sir,"

"I love Texas,"

"Believe me, I know,"

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