Chapter 22

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Grace POV

"How was your relationship with Mr Butler throughout those years," I take a deep breath.

"For a while, it was what you saw it as online we were doing fine," I say. I looked over at Daneil, who was nodding towards me. "Austin had always had a temper thst you didn't want to get involved with,"

"A temper how?"

"He would just lose it at smallest of things,"

"Such as"

"The bed wasn't made the way he liked or the juice that he got didn't taste the same as normal," i say.

"And by lose it, he would shout?" I nod."What about break things?"

"Sometime, yes,"

"Did he scare you,"

"When he would break things, yes, it would scare me," Maggie nods.

"Please continue," I nod.

"We had tried to end the relationship multiple times, but back then, both our teams thought it would be best we worked on it and stayed together it was the best thing for our image as we were being portrayed as Hollywood's golden couple," I say "there would be tiny digs to me while out in public my dress was to short or my make up was to much those little digs turned into big ones he would constantly call my appearance I would get messages from him while out with friends trying to get me to go home because I wasn't looking my best,"

"Did he send you any other messages like this,"

"Yes quite often," Maggie nods.

"Was it just about your appearance?"

"About anything, really. He was jealous a lot. If I was working with another man, he would constantly  text me accusing me of things that didn't happen,"

"These messages, am I correct," Maggie puts the messages on the board.

"What are these," Austins lawyer says. "I wasn't aware that this would be seen as evidence,"

"Maybe, if you read the sheet, then you would know," Austin looked pissed he didn't know that I kept every message he sent.

"Why did the two of you finally end things?"

"I got fed up of the belittling I also found, but he had cheated on me multiple times I wanted out of the relationship way before it ended, but I was stuck,"

"Going back to the photos, how did you find out about them," I fill everyone in about the meeting he had with Daniel.

"How did you feel when you found out about them?"

"I was disgusted. How could someone you once cared for and vice versa do that to you," I say "all that was running through my head was if he had always planned on using them against me even if we hadn't split up what did he want with the photos,"

The day continued both me and Austin getting up on the stand, but we soon came to realise that he had no case he had nothing to help his case either. Everything was going against him.

I didn't know how long this would take, but I was glad that it only took a day. Austin had messed up whole taking the stand and ruined his chance of getting out of this.

"She was always on screen always getting attention. Why couldn't I take advantage of that,"

"Take advantage,"

"I didn't mean it like that,"

"I think you did,"

"I just meant," he stopped himself he couldn't come up with and excuse "Fine I took the photos without her permission, and without her knowing,"

"What we're you going to do with these photos,"

"At the time, I didn't have a plan she tried to end the relationship once, but it didn't work out, so I thought I'd have something to hold against her,"

"Why didn't you use them back then,"

"Because I stopped caring about her if I ever did,"


"You did it," Daniel wraps his arms around me, lifting me into the air.

"I'm glad that it's over with,"

"He has to pay you over £300,000 worth of damages and gets two years," Lando speaks.

"Think I'd rather him get more time than me getting money, but at least it's something he can't do this to anyone else. I dread to think that if I didn't do anything, there would be another girl in my shoes,"

"Well, now thanks to you outing him and going through with this he can't do it to someone else,"

"And he won't have a career to go back to his ruined everyone will know him as the man he really is and not for his movie titles,"

"Can we go home now," I say. Daniel nods. "I just want to crawl into bed and just watch a film and forget about the world for a while,"

"We can do that,"

"Yeah, just forget I'm here. Don't worry about me," Lando says. "I'm joking. You two deserve it," he smiles.

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