Chapter 19

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Grace POV

"That was one hell of a move," Alex says, looking down at his phone. "You can't go back on this even if you delete it people would have seen," I nod.

"I know that's what I wanted. I'm not backing down from this fight I also didn't feel comfortable that he had these photos in his possession he could do whatever he wanted with them I wasn't going to wait until they got out there," I say "Me sharing them myself takes his advantage away and that's what we need"

"He's gone radio silent since it got released his Instagram account is gone," he says "hes trying to hide from the truth but soon he won't be able to he has no choice to go into that court and face you," Alex says.

"He didn't think that I would make any kind of move he wanted me to cower away from this, but that's not me, not anymore anyway," he smiles at me.

"Daniel really made you come out of the shell you were once in," he says. "I like this side of you it's the side we need. This is only the start of the fire, then the blaze will come,"

"I haven't spoken to Daniel. I just posted it. I don't even know if he's seen it yet,"

"He might have, but he'll talk to you after practise like he always does,"

"What if his pissed I've shown the world these photos,"

"Soemthing tells me he'd be proud. I know Daniel by now. I honestly don't think he'd ever be pissed with you,"

"I hope so," I smile at him. "I'll see you tomorrow," he nods, waving goodbye as I exit his office.


"I've been waiting for your call," I say as I look at Daniel on the screen.

"You been sitting by your phone," he smiles.

"Maybe I wanted to talk to you," I filled with my hands.

"About the post you shared?" I look back up at the screen.

"So you've seen it?"

"Carlos showed me and a few others,"

"I should have asked you before sharing them," he shakes his head

"Why would you need to ask me? It's your body, not mine," he says."You took a power move, relasing them. I'm actually proud of you," he says, causing me to smile at him.

"Thank you,"

"For what?"

"Supporting me,"

"You always support me,"

"This is different. Most guys would run from this kind of thing,"

"Well, luckily for you, I'm not like most guys I promised you I'd be by your side through this, and I'm sticking to it," God this man, "the guys are also by yourside they all have said the same thing we've got you,"

"I know," I smile. "You best get some sleep. I love you,"

"I love you too,"


"Next week, we'll take them to court," I nod at Alex.

"We haven't heard anything from either him or his team," Maggie says. "They've decided to stay silent until then. I'm not sure what they have planned,"

"Can't be anything good," I speak.

"I need to make sure that you're certain you want this going to court,"

"I'm more than certain I want this going to court I want the whole world to know who he really is and I also want other women and men that this has happened too to know that they aren't alone," I speak "the world can see those photos the video they can say whatever they like but I know my truth and I won't hold that back,"

"That's all I needed to hear," Maggie says "ill keep you both updated with anything else if we hear from his team you'll be the first to know," I nod as she gathers her things leaving the room.

"What's the game plan," I turn to Alex. "When we go to court, are you taking the stand,"

"Yes," he nods.

"Are we going to air everything else that happened between the two of you," I nod once more.

"That's why we saved the messages, isn't it?"

"It is," Alex made sure I saved any messages he sent me after the break up in case anything in the future happened. I guess he knew Austin had something planned for me.

"The world is finally about to find out the whole story," he says.

"Get the inside,"

"You've never spoken to anyone about it, not even Daniel?"

"I've not gotten into it with him. No, he knows a bit of the story but not all," he nods.

"As long as you're okay with all of this, then it's fine by me. I just didn't think we'd be here,"

"Neither did i but I'm okay I've got this I've got my boys behind me and girls," Emma and Amanda were equally livid when they heard both away filming they couldn't come to see me when it came out but they've been keeping tabs in me all week.

"That you do," he smiles.

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