Chapter 24

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Grace POV

It's been days of moving all of our things into the new apartment along with a few new things we decided to get.

"Thanks Lando you can leave that here," I say, taking the box out of his hands as the others bring in the last few things.

"I think that's everything," Pierre says, putting the box down. "I hope it is. I'm tired," I roll my eyes at him as he lunges himself on the sofa.

I watch as Charles helps Daniel put up the bookshelf, and Max finishes painting one of the rooms. I look around at all the new people in my life and smile. Daniel was right they are definitely like family.

"You look lost," I laugh as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm just taking it all in. I've never bought my own place with anyone, and now I've got one with the love of my life,"

"I'm the love of your life?" He asks.

"You're the love of my life,'I smile, turning around in his arms.

"I've never been anyone's love of their life," he says "your the love of my life aswell," I smile, kissing him.

"You should help Charles he looks like he's struggling," I say, looking over to see him trying to hammer screws into the bookshelf.


"Everything looks perfect," he says. "Do you think we need to move anything, or do you like it this way?"

"I love it. I think the only thing we have to move is ourselves to bed because I'm tired,"

"It must be from all the hard work you did today," I hit his arm.

"I did work hard,'he shakes his head with a small laugh.

"Yeah, telling us all were to put things and how to put them then is so much hard work,'

"You know what? I had a lot on my mind,"

"Like what?"

"Like if I wanted the bookshelf on the right side of the wall or the left,"

"You really are something else," he speaks

"Are we going to bed or not?"

"We are,' he says, lifting me in his arms and rushing us both to bed.


"You seem really happy,'Emma smiles at me.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy before it doesn't feel real at times,"

"Maybe because you think you dont deserve this kind of happiness," I shrug

"I guess it's just hard when you find someone who trult cares for you after coming out of a relationship were you didn't know we're you were with them," I say "with Daniel I know what to expect I know what I'm getting he treats me the way any girl would want to be treated I know he's the right person for me,"

"Do you think that maybe you've found the one?"

"Is it too early to say yes?"

"It's never to early when you know you know and I mean when I look at the two of you it just makes sense you both beem off of each other your personalities match I've never seen a more perfect couple,"

"You're just saying that because your my best friend," I let a small laugh out.

"I'm being truthful, and you were so worried about starting this relationship,"

"I know I let myself overthink,"

"You always do," she speaks.

The truth is I didn't know how this relationship would go mainly due to the age difference and the media how would they take it but I haven't cared about them once and that's because of Daniel he's always so positive about everything that nothing else really matter the negative things I feel fade when I'm with him and that's what I need in my life it also helps that both my parents absolutely adore him as if he was their own.

"So when am I going to see the apartment."

"When Landos over," I smirk "come on I know something is going on there,"

"We just text,"

"That's all?" She nods. .

"For now I don't know he's different then the other guys I've dated,"

"Maybe it just F1 drivers,"

"They make all the other men seem like boys?"

"Exactly that,"

"I think your right I mean who wouldn't want a F1 driver in their life right?"

"Right," I smile

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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