Chapter 6

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Daniel POV

I pace back and forth outside her door. I've tried knocking on it multiple times, but I couldn't. I was freaking out.

"Are you going to knock or what?" Scottys head pops around the corner. I stare at him.


"When you've been out here for fifteen minutes," I roll my eyes.

"Go away," I say, moving my hand as I knock on the door finally.

"Just a second," Grace shouts on the other side of the door. The door handle turns, and she opens the door her hair in a messy bun and wearing oversized clothes. I dont understand how she can be so effortlessly beautiful.

"Hi," she smiled at me.

"Hi," I was staring. "Im assuming you've not eaten yet,"

"I haven't,"

"Would you like to go get some food with me?"

"Yeah, I just need to get changed into something more suitable,"

"I think you look fine. Besides, we can get some fast food or something,"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, guess I'm ready to leave," I hold my arm out for her to take, which she does.

"Are you even allowed fast food?"

"I'm not racing yet, so I'll be fine. Just don't tell my trainer,"

"My lips are sealed,"


"I've never had Checkers," I say Grace turns to me in shock.

"You're joking," I shake my head. "Okay, we are definitely changing that," she says, pointing to the empty space in front of the fast food chain.

I park the car, hopping out following Grace.

"My dad used to take me here when I was younger after school as my treat he couldn't afford much, so this was the best option he always thought that it wasn't good enough but I loved it," I smile at her. The way she talks about her father is the way I'd want my child to speak about me.

"Okay, I'm going to let you pick my order," she smiles widely.

"You might regret that," she laughs. "Your trainer is going to hate me,"

I watch as she starts adding things to the order. "I'm making sure you try everything,"

"My trainer is going to hate you," she laughs at me. "I hope we're sharing because there's no way I can eat all this alone, Gracie,"

"Gracie?" I nod."I like it, but no, this is all mine," she jokes.

She takes her card out, but I stop her.

"Let me I asked you to come," she shakes her head.

"You paid for Mama's last time we went. I'll get this one you can get the next," The next I smile, maybe she means that as a friend.

She grabs the bags, and we walk back to the car.

"Drive here," she says, pointing at the GPS. I nod and follow the directions.

We parked up and I looked out we had a nice view of the city.

"Okay, ready?"

"Show me what we've got,"

"5 piece classic wings, 2 cheeseburgers, mozzarella sticks, fries," she says, placing them out. "Strawberry freeze, Strawberry milkshake, fudge and carmal sundae,"

"You got us the whole menu,"

"I did. You'll be back training soon and then bye-bye fast food so we may as well make the most of it," I nod.

"Okay, let's dig in," I say


"I have to admit this is possibly the best thing I've had since coming here,"

"I told you,"

"I heard you're walking fashion week,"

"I am, I don't know if I'm going to do good, but I'm going to try,"

"I think you'll do just great,"

"It's different than being in stage and singing. All I'm think about is falling on my face," I laugh.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Just imagine it's you in your room, and nobody else is there," she looks at me.

"Would you like to come?"

"To your shows?" She nods.

"Only if you're free, that is,"

"I'm free. I'll be there,"

"I'll put your name down,"

"Have you told your father you're coming to the race?" She shakes her head.

"No, I want to suprise him. I'm going to give him a ticket so he can come,"

"I can get it him,"

"You honestly don't need to. I mean, you've got mine. That's more than enough,"

"It's no problem, and you know it," I say. "Plus, does that mean I get to meet your dad?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Yes, I think he'd love to meet you too. I mean, he texts me non-stop about you,"

"He does," she nods, pulling her phone out and showing me I laugh at the messages.

"I think he wants to ask me how my day was, but he cares more about if you were a part of it,"

"I think we'll get on just fine,"

"I think so too,"

"I'll get him the ticket," she rolls her eyes at me.

"I owe you,"

"I'll cash it in when I need to," I wink.

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