Chapter 18

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Daniel POV

"How she holding up," Lando asks as I meet him on paddock.

"She's taking everything really well surprisingly," I speak, noticing the others, making their way towards us "it's going to be out there soon everyone is going to know I don't even want to imagine the headlines,"

"We're here for her. Everyone else will be, and she didn't ask for this to happen,"

"Who didn't ask for what to happen." Max asks as he finally reaches us Pierre and Charles next to him. I sigh.

"I've had her permission to speak to you guys about ut before it's all over," they frown.

"Who Grace?" I nod.

"I met with Austin in Monaco, which I'm guessing you guys saw,"

"We did. we were all hoping you wasn't buying whatever he was trying to sell," I look at lando, who gives me a nod.

"He showed me a few things that didn't sit well with me," I sat they look at me. "They were explicit photos of Gracie and a video of the two of them,"

"A sex tape?"

"In a way, yeah, but you can see on both the video and from the pictures she had no idea these were getting taken she was asleep in some of them," I say.

"Who would do something like that," Charles says. "Is Grace okay?"

"She's doing fine she's suing him,"

"She's taking hin to court," Max asks.


"Wouldn't that mean it'll be public why she's taking him to court? What if the photos get released?"

"She said that she'll handle it and I have to trust her it's not me in those photos he wanted us to break up and he'd delete them I wasn't going to do that," I say "I told Gracie as soon as and now its in her hands and her teams,"

"Well, no matter what, she has us lot," Pierre speaks, "and Kika," I smile, knowing that Kika and Grace got on the last time they met.

"Daniel," I look up, seeing Carlos run over. "Have you seen,"

"Have I seen what?" He hands me his phone.

On the screen was Grace's Instagram with a post of some of the photos Austin had taken the caption underneath, making me smile.

'I've never bothered about my body because it was mine and nobody else that was until I recently found out that someone I once cared about had taken advantage of not just myself but also my body. I could have kept it in the dark, but if Austin Butler could try to use these photos against me to ruin my happiness and my reputation I wasn't going to sit here and let this happen if anyone is going to share these photos then it will be this is my body and nobody else these aren't even the worse photos that he's taken. Throughout my career, all I've wanted and tried to be is a role model towards others, and I will continue doing so. I involved my lawyers and will be taking him to court. Throughout these years, all I've tried to do is be a role model, and I will continue in doing so. I'm releasing these photos for anyone else who has felt the way I have this past week. I refuse to sit down and be quiet. I won't be bullied into anything so Austin as much as you would have loved for someone to "accidentally" leak these photos. I'll do the honour for you to see you in court babe😘" that's my fucking girl.

"I wasn't expecting her to do that," Lando says, looking over my shoulder to see the phone.

"Neither was I,"

"I'm guessing her team spoke to his, which led her to do this,"

"I don't know. I'll have to ring her after practise."

"I'm sorry I looked at the photos before I even realised who it was," Carlos says. I shake my head.

"Don't worry about it she released them she wouldn't have if she didn't want people to see," I say."These aren't even the bad ones,"

"There's worse?" Max asks.

"There is,"

"I didn't know Grace had this in her," Charles says. "I guess when you play with fire, you really do get burnt,"

"You've got one hell of a woman in your hands," Pierre says. "I don't know if you'll be able to handle it," he winks before leaving.

"This all just got more real," Lando speaks. "I guess we didn't have to worry about her she seems to know what to do,"

"I can't help worrying about her. I guess this was her way of telling me as well that I should just leave it to her,"

"As much as we want to kill him,"

"As much as we want to kill him."

"Might be too soon, but I can't wait to see her in court with him,"

"Soemthing tells me she's got more up her sleeve," I say

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