Chapter 7

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Grace POV

Fashion week was always hectic whether you were a guest or a model.

"Emma, you came," I say, taking the British women into my arms.

"I wasn't going to miss my best friend walking in New York fashion week. Amanda is somewhere around here," I smile at her.

"I'm happy you're here,"

"It looks like you're happy for another reason as well," I look at her.

"I don't know what you mean," I shake my head.

"Really, so it has nothing to do with the Australian outside,"

"What Daniels already here?" She laughs.

"No, but I needed to get that out of you, you like him," I sigh, sitting down.

"How can I not like him. He's so sweet and funny. I tried not to, but it was really hard,"

"Have you thought about I don't know telling him?"

"No, we're friends, and I don't want to ruin that,"

"What if you wasn't ruining it but turning it into something else something better,"

"I don't know," I sigh. There was a knock on the dressing room, and I looked at Emma.

"It's probably Amanda," she says, opening the door, her eyes going wide when she sees that it wasn't Amanda but Daniel.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" He asks, looking around her and at me. I was only wearing a robe, which he couldn't see.

"No, I was actually just leaving. I need to go find Amanda," he nods, smiling at her as she passes him.

"Am I alright to come in?"

"Yeah, that's fine," I say he walks in, shutting the door behind him.

"How's the nerves,"

"Still shaky," he sits down next to me, spinning round in the chair so he is looking at me.

"You'll do great," he looks over my face. "You look beautiful, Gracie,"

"You're just saying that," he shakes his head.

"I don't lie," he puts his hand on his heart. "I solemnly swear," I laugh at him, shaking my head.

"You should have said that in front of Emma,"

"I can't let her know I'm a fan. I'm playing it cool,"

"Right, cool," my stylist, Julia, walks in.

"I should get going," Daniel says, standing up, holding his hand out for me to do the same. I take his hand and stand up, his eyes glancing over my body. I forget about the robe.

His hand moved to my shoulder. I noticed the robe had fallen, and my bra was showing he moved it up to cover me.

"Break a leg," he says, leaning in and kissing my cheek before he walks out.

"He's something else, isn't he," Julia says.

"He is," I turn to her. "I can't be near him without my heart raising,"

"Your smitten for him,"

"I'm not smitten," I'm lying to myself more than I'm lying to others.

"Let's get you dressed," I nod.


Breathe in and breathe out. These exercises weren't helping me calm my nerves at all.

I watch as the other models begin their walk. I was finally up. I close my eyes and think of Daniels words. Imagine the only one there, and you're in your room.

I stepped out and began my walk. i was alone. Nobody else was with me. The venue was empty well, almost empty. One person was sitting in the centre of the room.

Daniel and his stupid smile looking at me. His words were working, but I wasn't picturing being alone. I was picturing being with him.

He stands up cheering, and I snap out of the gaze I was under. I smile at him as he cheers on for me before I do my turn and walk backstage.

"You were perfect," Alex says, hugging me, "and who was worried about walking?"

"Me, but you were right. I had nothing to be worried about,"

"You're right there now. I noticed a certain man in the front row who couldn't keep his eyes off you,"

"That's the point of a show to look at the clothes,"

"But he wasn't looking at the clothes he was looking at you and only you,"

"Stop," I say, hitting his shoulder.

"You can't keep hitting me,"

"Yes, I can," I say.

"This is why I shouldn't have taken you on as my client," I laugh

"I was your dads client until you took over,"

"I should have said I didn't want to be near you. You're like my annoying little sister,"

"I won't hesitate to fire your ass," he laughs at me, knowing I wouldn't be able to do this without him.

Alex was a few years older than me. we became good friends when his dad took me as his client, and then he soon took over wanting more responsibility within the company, and he did a great job.

"You did amazing, I told you," Daniel says, lifting me up into a hug.

"I listened to what you said," he smiles at me.

"Picture yourself alone?" I nod. I wasn't going to mention him being a part of that.


"Let me take you out for a drink if you haven't already got plans," he says. I look at Amanda and Emma, and they nod behind him.

"Let me get changed, then we can go," he nods as I turn away.

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