Chapter 14

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Daniel POV

"I can't believe she met your parents before me," Scotty complains. "How is that fair? Shouldn't the best friend meet her before the parents?"

"You met her,"

"I said one or two words to her. That's nothing," he says."I should have got a formal introduction, then I could ask her the things I want to know,'

"Lile, what do you need to know that you can't search up?"

"Like when is she bringing her next album out? Was Lose you to love me written about Austin or not? What happened between the two of them?"

"You are not asking my girlfriend what happened with her and her ex,'

"Seriously? Their relationship was public, and then the breakup was messy. I mean, sure, we got an inside of what happened, but I just want the full details of the gossip,"

"Im going to ban you from meeting her,"

"You can't do that,"

"If you meet her,"

"When I meet her," he buts in.

"When you meet her, you have to be on your best behaviour,"

"I swear," something tells me that he won't be. I've never met a man obsess over someone more in my life.

"Are you thinking about me being obsessed with her?"

"How did you know that,"

"I could feel it. I'm not obsessed. I just like her, and so does Chloe,"

"And yet which of the two of you are questioning me about her?"

"Me, but that's not the point,"

My phone starts to ring, and I pick it up Grace face and name popping up.

"Answer it,"

"I am going to,"

"Hey," I say as she requests facetime, which Scotty accepts before I get the chance to. Her face shows the smile resting on it.

"Hey, I wanted to ring you and introduce you to someone,'

"I guess I want to introduce you to someone to,"

"Over the phone, really?"  Scotty complains once again.

"Better than nothing, right?"

"This is scotty you briefly met,"

"Hi scotty,"

"Hi Grace, it's good to finally meet you even if it is over the phone," he frowns at me.

"Hopefully, we can meet in person soon,"

"When our schedule aline," I say "sorry who did you want to introduce to me?"

The women came into view, and I was sure how to react.

"Hi hunny," scotty looks at me as I freeze up.

"He's a little nervous,"

"Sorry, Hi," I say. "Hi Carrie," Carrie Underwood was on the phone to me.

"He is cute, isn't he," she says. "Grace here has been telling me you love country music,"

"It's my favourite," I say "sorry I'm just in shock,"

"We're working on a song together. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the two of you," she says, smiling."we have to go. I'll get you an autograph. "

"I love you," I say

"I love you too," she replies before hanging up.

"You've already said I love you?"

"Last week," Scottys smile widens.

"You've never been in love before,"

"I know,"

"I'm happy for you man really I can see that you care about her,"

"More than words can describe," I smile. "I don't know, it's stupid, really,"

"It's not. You've finally found what you've been looking for your happiness she made you smile again, something I never thought I'd see after you went into that dark place,"

"I didn't think I'd be able to get out of it either until she came into my life. If it wasn't for her, I think I'd still be in it."

"I also like that fact that she doesn't care about the press or what the fans have to say about the relationship that all she cares about is the two of you,"

"I mean, a lot of the responses to our relationship were positive, but there always going to be people out there that like seeing the negative," I say "mainly the age difference has been mentioned that she's to immature for me and stuff like that but she hasn't bothered about it,"

"Which is good you don't want her listening to them people you two have a healthy loving relationship and that's how you both want to keep it,"

"Don't worry about that. I don't even think she reads half of the things that been said, and if she does, she never mentions it to me,"

"Probably doesn't want you knowing half of what gets said, but she can handle herself. I mean, she's been in the spotlight for some time now. I'm sure she knows how to handle the haters,"

"I sometimes forget that she's been in the spotlight and that she knows how to handle it. I find myself all the time trying to reassure her and tell her not to listen,"

"She loves you, and you love her. That's all that matters. Anything else is irrelevant,"

And it was we were happy. I mean, sure, our relationship was just starting out, but we were happy, and I was going to keep it that way.

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