Chapter 23

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Grace POV

"Why is it so hard to find the perfect apartment," Daniel asks as we walk around the fifth apartment we have viewed.

"Maybe because you find an issue with everyone we go into," I say, walking over to him, holding on to his arm. "Are you sure you want to move in together? You've not said one good thing about any of these places," he turns to me immediately.

"Of course I want to move in together. I just want to find the perfect place one that's made for us," he says. "There has to be the right amount of rooms as well,"

"Don't you think four rooms is too much?"

"Not at all it gives us a guest room mainly for lando then a room for you to work and record in then one for the sim," I smile as he's put so much thought into this. "I'm sorry that I've not liked any. I seriously thought it was going to be easier,"

"As long as you're not changing your mind, I'm happy," I say. "Okay, then let's get to the next viewing," he nods.

As soon as we stepped foot into the next apartment, we both knew it was the one it had a view of the whole city, the right amount of rooms, a big kitchen, everything that we wanted.

"Before I say something, what do you think?" I ask, turning to him, a smile showing on his face.

"I think it's perfect,"

"Really?" I ask, slightly jumping with excitement he nods. "Thank god because I love this place,"

"Then I think it's sorted," he says. "I best make a few calls and finally get us our place," he pulls his phone, put walking into one of the rooms as I look out at the view.

Everything felt as if it was falling into place. We were starting a brand new page and moving in together. I've never wanted something more in my life.

"I've placed an offer we should hear back from them soon," Daniel says, walking back into the room. "Shall we get going?"

"We shall you've got to leave shortly for your race,"

"I know, but I thought I could take you out before I leave,"

"Date night," I smile.

"Date night, I'll pick you up at 7," I shake my head at him.

"You live across the hall,"

"I'm still picking you up," I shake my head at him, the smile never leaving my face.


"I love this for you," Emma says as she helps me sort out my hair. "I've never seen you this happy,"

"I don't think I've ever been this happy,"

"Daniel is good for you," Amanda speaks through the phone. "I don't think I've seen as much as a healthy relationship as you two,"

"He's definitely something else," I say. "we don't even argue hardly disagree,"

"You're joking?" Emma asks. I shake my head. "That can happen,"

"I think it's just how Daniel is," I smile.

"When you get married, whose going to be the maid of honour?"

"Both of you,"

"Good answer," Amanda says. "I should get going. Have fun. Love you both," she says before hanging up.

"Anyway, enough about me and Daniel. What's the deal with you and Lando," I see Emma smile through the mirror.

"We went out that one time I really enjoyed his company,"

"Was it just a one-time thing?"

"I like him. we've been texting, but with both our schedules, it's been hard finding time for that second date,"

"Your movie has finished filming, so that gives you more time,"

"Yeah, hopefully we figure it out,"

"Lando is a great guy,"

"I can tell," she smiles "your all ready. All we need now is for Prince charming to come pick you up,"

"I could have just walked across the hall,"

"That's not what happens on dates he comes and gets you sit back down," I roll my eyes.

"There he is," she says as she hears the door go. I get up, walk towards it, and open it up Daniel, standing with flower in his hand.

"You didn't have to get me flowers,"

"Of course I did," I smile, taking them from him.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes, mam," he holds arm out for me, which I take saying goodbye to Emma, who was to invested in sorting the flowers out the right way.

"You've outdone yourself,"

"I want to be able to take you out on dates more often and make each one of them feel like it's the first date all over,"

"I sometimes feel like I don't deserve you,"

"Funny, I feel the exact same way about you," he replies.

"We could always skip dinner and go straight to dessert?" I suggest he smirks at me.

"We could always have dessert twice," he picks me up walking towards his apartment.

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