Chapter 15

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Grace POV

I open the door after the knocking continues.

"Lando?" I ask as he walks into the apartment.

"I need a favour," he says, sitting down on the chair beside him. "As you know, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter,"

"I know you wouldn't stop speaking about how I'm friends with Emma,"

"Exactly, which is why I need you to introduce us,"

"You want me to introduce you to Emma?"

"I do, and as soon as possible really,'

"You flew all the way to New York to ask me you could have just rang,'

"I don't have your number,' I nod

"Pass me your phone," he does as his told, and I type my number in and also Emma's.

"There you go, her numbers in there for her. I'll tell her to expect your call,"

"Wait, really, that's it, no grovelling?"

"Let me tell you a little secret,'he nods."Emma has a thing for you too,"

"That's like music to my ear. Thank you so much, Grace," he says, standing up. "I'm surprised you aren't with Daniel in Monaco,"

"I thought he went home?" Lando shakes his head.

"No, he's in Monaco from what I heard," I frown. Why didn't he tell me that? "Anyway, what are you doing today since I'm here? I may as well keep you company,"

"I've got a free schedule on my hands,'

"Great shall we go get something to eat. I'm starving,"

"We shall,"

"Also, I kind of just flew here with no planning, so would you mind if I stay here?"

"It's not trouble at all Lando now come on, let's go eat,"


I had texted Daniel multiple times since Lando and I arrived at Mama's, but I got not response why did he say he was going home? That's why he couldn't come here to see me.

I shake my head. Daniel isn't like Austin he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Would he? I mean, he's lied about where he is and now won't answer any of my messages.

"Are you okay?" Lando asks." It seems like something is on your mind," I sigh.

"Daniel told me he couldn't come visit cause he was going home to see family," Lando nods "obviously he's not at home he's in Monaco. I just don't get why he would lie to me,"

"I shouldn't have said anything. I couldn't tell you why he said he was at home, but it's Daniel were talking about this man is head over heels in love with you he wouldn't do anything to hurt you, not on purpose anyway,"

"You're right, it's Daniel," I nod.

"I can text him if you'd like?" He says, pulling out his phone typing a message.

"I've messaged, but he's not answer me, so I doubt he'll answer you," Landos phone buzzes, and he looks up at me, giving me a small smile.

"He's texted me back," I frown, looking at my phone, no response.

"What did he say?"

"I put thst I was sorry I couldn't see him in Monaco he just put its fine I've got company,"


"He probably means Max,"

"Wasn't Max visiting his home, though?"

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know, maybe it's Charles it could be anyone, really,"

"Exactly, it could be anyone,"

"Hey, don't stress about it," his hand places itself on mine. "He loves you. That's all that matters,"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just overthinking,"

"You are, but everything is fine. You two are happy, right?"

"Yeah, I'm happy. I think he is, too,"

"Then what do you have to worry about?"

"Nothing, you're right, thank you, Lando,'

"No need to thank me. That's what friends do, right?'

"Right," I smile.


The rest of the day I spent showing Lando around the city, we had a good time. I can see why Daniel spends so much time with him.

"I've never had a corn dog," He says.

"Seriously, never?" He shakes his head.

"Nope," I take his wrist, pulling him over to the stand, ordering two.

"I'm about to take your corndog virginity," I smile, handing him one.

"I wouldn't want it to be anybody else,"

He takes a bit, pulling a face to tell me he likes it.

"You can taste how unhealthy this is," he speaks. "Would you come and have this as a daily thing or not?'

"Definitely not,"


My phone starts to buzz, and I receive a message from Daniel finally.

Yeah, everything's good. My mum says she wished you could have come, missing you x

I sigh as I read the message shaking my head chosing not to respond to it until the morning I needed to sleep and have a clear head I was so confused as to why he was lying to me.

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