Chapter 12

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Daniel POV

Grace and I decided to soft launch our relationship before we went fully public. We weren't sure what responses we would get when it all came out.

We've seen the headlines when we have been spotted together. Some were nice, and others weren't mainly focusing on the ten year age gap between us, something I was initially worried about.

I soon realised that my worries were for nothing. Grace is mature for her age. Sometimes, I forget about her age with the way she acts. We've only been dating for a couple of weeks, but I've never been so happy.

"Daniel, you're daydreaming," Grace says, sitting down on my lap.

"Just thinking about you," she smiles down at me.

"Thinking about me? I'm right here," she leans down, placing a kiss on my lips.

"I don't want to hide you anymore," I say "I want to be able to show you off while were in public and be able to have you on my arm when we go to races together," I say.

"You want to make me an official Wag?" I laugh.

"I do,"

"Then I say we do it," it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder when she agreed so much for our soft launch.

We both decided to share a story together and then switch or phones off and enjoy the time we have left until my next race together.

"Is it too soon to ask you to come home with me when it's winter break?' I ask.

"You want me to come to your home?" I nod

"I want to introduce you to my family. I mean, I've already met yours, so I think it's only far you met mine," 

"I'd love to meet your family," like music to my ears.

We were both family people. Our families were our world, so her meeting mine meant a lot to me the same with when I met her parents.

Grace POV

"You're meeting his parents," Emma says, taking her coffee and sipping it.

"When it's winter break, yes,"

"Are you nervous?" Amanda asks."I mean, you two have only been dating for a short period of time, and he already wants you to meet his family,"

"I'm nervous, yes, but I also know how to act, so I think I'll be fine," I joke "I don't know even though it's only been a few weeks this is different from what I had with Austin,"

"Because he actually treats you right, and he also wants to show you off,' Emma says,'not just because of your name but because he's proud of having you as his girlfriend,'

"It's a strange feeling him being so honest with me about what he does and where he goes, not like I need him to be. I trust him wholeheartedly, but he just does it out of habit," I say "like if he's on the phone he tells me who it is or if he gets a message he gets me to check it,"

"You're in a healthy relationship, something you've not been in before," Amanda says. "Austin set the bar so low that anything Daniel does is a green flag,"

"Have you been reading the gossip pages?"

"I've read a few of them I've chose to ignore it I mean sure we have a age gap but it's not that bad people are making it out as if he got into my head."

"Yeah, some of them are crazy,"

"Tell me about it I mean I know that we are famous and both well known but would it kill people to just let us live out lives," I say "I sometime feel as if I want to go back in time and live a normal life without everyone looking at you waiting until you say something bad or make a wrong move,"

"I'm with you there. I went out to underwear the other day, and the next thing I know, it's all over the place,'Amanda speaks.

"Or you're with your family who aren't in the spotlight and don't want to be, and you have paparazzi shoving cameras in not only your face but theirs aswell,"

"They don't respect privacy and then act like because we are famous we should expect it, but there's a level that they should stop at," I say "my parents keep getting people knocking on their door asking for a interview or a few words on how they feel about the relationship or my career,'I shake my head.

"They have no respect going to your parents' houses like that,"

"I know, and my parents won't sell up they've lived in that house all their lives," I say "I'm thinking of getting them someone to watch over them till it all calms down.'

'Do you think it'll calm down?"

"I do I just don't know when,"

"We can only hope,"

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