Chapter 5

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Grace POV

I squint my eyes as some light goes into it. I slowly open them and feel someone's arms around me. I look back and see they belonged to Daniel. I smile to myself he shifts and opens his eyes, landing one me.

"You fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake you, so I didn't move," I shake my head.

"It's okay, probably the best sleep I've had in a while," I smile, he removes his arms from me, and I sit up.

My phone goes off, and I lean over, looking down at the message and sighing.

"That was a big sigh,"

"I've had a rough couple of days," I say.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Austins team contacted mine they want us to have a interview together saying that our differences are behind us," he sits up. "My manager obviously said no that he didn't feel like I needed to speak any more on the situation,"

"You were so respectful about it," he says.

"He doesn't think I was he thinks I painted him out as the bad person and ruined his reputation. His reputation was ruined before we started dating,"

"I think you saved his reputation," I smile at him.

"I've never spoken a bad word about him, but my songs clearly hint towards the situation, but that's art I write about what I feel I also write so that my fans that are going through the same thing have something to relate to I'm not going to change that for his reputation,"

"I don't think you should have to. You know I've listened to your music. You can tell that each song comes from the heart. Why should you have to hide how you feel because he doesn't like it," Every time I'm around Daniel, it feels like my heart is going to explode.

"Me and Austin painted this picture-perfect relationship online, but everyone knew what it was like from interviews or videos fan took, paparazzi pictures, it was far from perfect, I'm not going to lie to my fans and act like everything is fine and that all is forgiven,"

"I admire that, how you care about having something your fans relate to even if it is hard to talk about or sing about. I've read about the breakup and how everything went down. You always painted a positive picture on a bad canvas whenever it was mentioned. I don't know how you do it,"

"Media training," I laugh.

"He doesn't deserve you," I look over to him. "You're far too good for him," he says, pushing a hair that had fallen behind my ear.

The knock on the door pulled us away from each other he groans, getting up and walking over to the door, pulling it open.


"Daniel," he says, jumping in his arms. I smile, getting up "Sorry I didn't know you had company,"

"I was just leaving," Daniel looks at me. "I have some stuff to do. I'll see you tomorrow?" He nods.

"I'll text you," he says before I walk out. I take my phone out and dial Amanda's number.

"Hello gorgeous," she says.

"Mandy, I'm so screwed,"

"What's wrong?" She asks as i enter my apartment.

"I fell asleep in Daniels arms last night," I could hear her smiling ." I may have opened up to him about the situation with Austin that's going on,"

"You spoke to him about it?"


"Grace, you like him,"

"I can't like him were friends,"

"Take the leap the worse that can happen is you fall," I sigh.

""I swore to myself that I wouldn't fall for another man but then I saw his smile,"

"I'm sure he'd pick you up if you fall,"

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then it's his loss,"

Daniel POV

"Was that Grace Bailey?" I nod as Scotty sits down "I knew she lived here but I didn't know you two were this close,"

"We're friends," I say smiling.

"Is she the reason you've got your smile back?"

"I don't know what you mean,"

"Really? You like her," he says I shake my head.

"I don't like her,"

"Really because I saw the way you looked at her," he looks out the window "looks like she's going somewhere," I look down instantly and see her getting in a uber since her car was a the tow company he looks up and smiles causing me to smile back knowing I got caught looking at her.

"See that's not nothing,"

"She's ten years younger than me,"


"And what will people say,"

"Who cares what they say as long as your happy and if she's what makes you happy I say go for it,"

"Go for it, she's a young beautiful women who has plenty of men falling to her feet," I sigh "me included,"

"She looks at you the way you look at her I think she feels the same way,"

"I don't know," I shake my head.

"I say go for it,"

"And if it gets thrown in my face,"

"Then she lost a great man but I have a good feeling about this,"

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