Chapter 13

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Grace POV

I've never been so nervous about something in my life, not an audition or going on stage. Nothing can beat the nerves I feel right now.

Daniel places his hand on my thigh, squeezing it, then moves to my hand, interwining our fingers, and rests it on top of my thigh.

I watched as he driver then looked out the window. we were on the way to meet his parents, and I was freaking out.

I was trying my hardest to think of something else joining in on Daniel singing to the songs on the radio, but it wasn't taking my mind off of it.

What if they didn't like me? What if they think I'm not right for him because of my age?

I and so many things running through my head I hadn't even thought about what I'm going to do if they like me. If his mother tries to start a conversation, I feel like my mind will go blank.

"You're worrying," Daniel speaks up.

"I'm not," he chuckles.

"Gracie, I know that face. I know you're worried about something," his hand squeezes mine once again."There's nothing to worry about they are going to love you,"

"You don't know that,"

"I do because if i love you, then they will," I freeze up looking at him. I notice how he freezes to panic on his face.

"You love me?"

"That wasn't how I wanted to tell you, but yes, I do. It's hard not to," I smile at him.

"I love you too," the car stops "Daniel you can't just stop in the middle of the road,"

"You can't just tell me for the first time that you love me and expect me not to react," he turns to me "plus nobody is around,"

"You still can't stop like that," he shakes his head

"Enough about that," he says. "Tell me again," I smile, looking into his eyes.

"I love you. I've fallen in love with you, Daniel Ricciardo," his smile widens.

"I love you too, Gracie Bailey," he grabs my face, kissing me. "Now let's get you to my parents," he begins to drive again.



"I think so," nothing mattered now. Daniel loved me, and I knew that he meant those words the same way I did, and that was enough for me that was enough to get me through this.

Daniel takes my hand walking into the house.

"Mum, Dad, I'm home," the two walk out, smiling the women, hugging Daniel.

"Are you going to introduce me to the beautiful women by your side?"

"Mum, this is my girlfriend Grace. Grace, this is my mother, also called Grace," her arms wrap around me.

"When he told me about you, I knew he made a good choice by the name," I laugh, hugging her back. I didn't know Daniels mothers name when we met, but I soon learned that it was the same as mine.

"And this is my father Joe," I pull away from Grace and turn to Joe, who opens his arms. i smile, hugging him.

"You've got yourself a good one. I'm proud of you, boy," his father says after he releases me.

"I know I have now please lets sit down so we can all get to know each other," Daniel says, taking my hand and making our way to the living room.


I was worrying about meeting his parents for nothing. I knew that they would be nice because of how Daniel is. I just wasn't sure if they would be accepting towards our relationship, but God was I wrong.

"Would you like some help?" I ask Grace, who was washing up.

"You're the guest you shouldn't have to help," I shake my head, taking the now clean plate and drying it.

"Mt mother told me that even as a guest, I must treat everyone's home as if it was my own," I say.

"Wise words," she smiles handing me another item to dry. "Thank you,"

"It's not problem,"

"You aren't what i was expecting,"

"Is that a good one bad thing?"

"It's good I mean Daniel described you to us and I've seen what people write on you but I thought you were to good to be true," I laugh "but I see that you are exactly what everyone says,"

"Thank you it try my hardest," I joke.

"I'm happy that you make him happy I haven't seen him smile like this in a long time especially after the Mclaren situation so thank you,"

"He does the same to me I haven't smiled this much in a while either I guess it's the affect we give each other," I look over to see him playing with his nephew "he's one of the good ones now I see where he got it from when I met him well even now I thought he wasn't real that he can't be that nice, but he proved me wrong,'

"He is one of the good ones makes me even more proud of him,'

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