15 - Teo

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Belles POV :

I followed behind Matteo, The fuck did he go?!

I don't have the stamina for this-

I hear someone talking in the distant, I follow the noise, I turn left into a hallway.

I finally hear what room the person is talking in, I lean against the door. The man spoke Russian. It's Matteo.

How could I not recognize his stupid annoying attractive voice.

Who is he talking to? Shit I should've taken Russian in high school instead of French.
Screw those hot French boys, I have Matteo.

Wait- wha—

I reach into my purse, taking my gun out. Yes I carry a gun with me. What kind of assassin would I be if I didn't?

I gently knock on the door. He groans. "One second." He says, My finger laid by the trigger pointing it at the door, the knob wiggled.

Knob is such a funny word—

Stop. Focus.

The door opens and I meet with His emerald eyes, confusion painted on his face. "Mirabelle?-"
"Shut the fuck up." I say pointing the gun to him as I back him into the bathroom.

I'm so hot.


"What are you doing?—" he said raising his hands . I shut the door locking it. "Who were you talking too?" I ask demanding an answer.

He scoffs. "What? Think I'm talking to a girl?" He crosses his arms. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you doll."

I scoff. "No what the fuck— I think your going to stab us right in the back." I blurt. Oh my god I have such a big mouth—

He laughs. The fuck?!
"If I was, I would've done it already." The corner of his lips tilting upward, smiling a dimpled smile.

I roll my tongue in my cheek glancing to the toilet. "Sit." I demand pointing the gun to the toilet. "Why—?"
"Who has a gun in this Situation?!" I hiss, annoyance lacing my tone.

"Okay okay.." he muttered sitting down on the toilet, don't worry the toilet seat was down.

"Now, You're gonna answer my question, without asking me a question in the process." I spat. He nodded, a dimpled smile remained on his face.


I only have one. Life isn't fair.

"Who were you talking too?" I ask, he shakes his head looking downward. "Why won't you let it go?" He asks.

"I just said answer the damn question without asking another one!"
His hand reaches to fiddle with the necklace on around his neck.

The charm..


"I have to Leave Belle.." he mumbled with teary eyes.

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