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Belles POV :

I'm sitting on the couch, watching vampire diaries with, this might be shocking.. But Aaron.

I've really grown to cherish the company of him.


"Shut up!" I throw the nearest item, a Pillow, at him.

He laughs. "What? I'm just saying, everyone knows you both are sexually act-" before he could finish I throw a harder object at him, My stainless steel water bottle.

He screams a high pitched scream an ducks right before the water bottle could collide with his face.

"OW— FUCK MY TOE" Alex hissed jumping up and down as he held onto his toe.

And I can't help the wheeze escaping my throat, that turns into a burst of laughter.

"You— You could've ruined my face!" Aaron complains pointing his finger at me and I cannot stop laughing.
"YOU RUINED MY TOE!" Alex shouts and my body falls forward falling onto the floor.

Naomi and Alex got back together, he situated the marriage thing and begged for her back, and she folded.

I'm happy for them.

Aaron scoffs as Alex 'cries' in pain. "She really thinks this is funny." He shakes his head, a chuckle leaving him.

And I gasp for air finally breaking free from the never ending laughter, and I sit up holding my cramping stomach. And I sigh. "That. Was. Hilarious." I blurt, another giggle escaping me.

Alex hops himself over to the couch falling onto it as he holds onto his toe. He's fine don't worry, I think.

"You almost ruined my face Belle, My face is my thing, I love my face." Aaron goes on and on about himself, and his 'beauty'

I roll my eyes. "Vain much?" I cross my arms. "I'm not vain, I just love my face." He shrugs and I scoff.

"MY TOES TURNING BLUE." Alex raises his voice and I laugh a little, I'm sorry I can't help it.

"Oh shit- Um— You might wanna.. .Shit. Um— get that checked out." Aaron says looking over his toe with wide eyes.

And it sparks my curiosity, so I crawl myself over, and peak over, and my eyes immediately widen. "SHIT!" I shout pointing to it.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" Alex says. Furiously and I awkwardly laugh. "It's not broken. Is it— it's not- is it broken Aaron?!" I asked ramblings abit from my anxiety.

He scrunched his face and shook his head. "I'm no doctor, But if it was broken I think the bone would be like, Shit man— sticking out."

"You're not a doctor." Alex frowns. "That wasn't my fault!" I blurt raising both my hands, and they both flick their heads in my direction with the same expression of disbelief.

"Is she serious."
"Are you serious?!"

"If Aaron hadn't ducked it wouldn't have hit your foot, so it's his fault." I state standing up, Aaron's jaw drops. "That would've happened to my face!!" He exclaims throwing his hands in the air.

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