20 - trust

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Belles POV :

Oh my god we just kissed
I just kissed my bestfriend, I just kissed Teo.

What if he didn't want to?
Why did I kiss him?

I'm so stupid, I probably just ruined everything because we just started getting.. kind've close again.

And I maybe just ruined it.

I walk towards the beach chair.. thingy. I move my cardigan to the floor as I lay down on the slightly warm chair.

I flick my hair back so I didn't have to feel the itchy uncomfortable feeling on my back the entire time.

"Did you two just kiss?!" I hear a familiar voice— Jada.

I sigh, picking my arm up to cover my eyes from the hot rays of 'sun'. "Yes." I mutter in embarrassment.

"I freaking knew it! Did you like it? Is he a good kisser—?" Jada bombarded me with questions. I let out a low grunt. "Stop." I say smacking my thighs.

She furrows her brows narrowing her eyes as she stared at me. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing Jada. It was just a stupid.. never mind." I say grabbing my things and standing up to walk away.

"Wait Mirabelle—" I hear her voice fade as I walk further towards the hotel entrance.

I wouldn't say it was mistake because I genuinely wanted to kiss him, but what if he thinks it's a mistake?

I run into a hard chest snapping me out the the world I was drifting into that I like to call my mind.

"Oh sorry—" I mutter feeling them hold onto my shoulders, I immediately push myself off them as I look up to see their face.



"I—" I stutter.. embarrassing.. "Mirabelle.." His deep voice says my name.. his voice is so.. UGH

I open my mouth to respond but I feel a cold liquid stream down my back, I gasp turning around to see a wrinkled old man with a slight smirk on his face.

I recognize that face.

No no no no no
I'm okay
I'm alright
I'm safe
He can't hurt me
I'm fine

I'm not okay.
I'm not alright
I'm not safe
He can hurt me
I'm not fine

And that's okay?
Is it?
Am I okay?

I swallow the lump in my throat, as my chest rises and falls. I open my mouth to speak but I can't, I can't speak, I can't yell for help, I can't do anything.

It's all my fault.

"I'm so sorry.." the man says with the most insincere voice. He's not. He knows who I am. He knows what he fucking did to me.

"I-" I stutter unable to say a word, I cannot force a noise out of my throat, I am weak, I'm still the weak little girl he took advantage of.

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