46 - hurting

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Teo's POV :

It's my fault, It's all my fucking fault.

It's my fault for not shooting a fucking bullet through his forehead.

I should've fucking shot him in the head, not the fucking-

"Pytay etogo ublyudka, poka ya, chert voz'mi, ne doberus' tuda»" I send the text to my firsthand command man.

("Torture the bastard until I fucking get there.")

I run a hand through my hair, applying pressure to the back of my neck.

Mirabelles, in surgery right now, He missed all her organs, thank god.

But it's still fucking scary waiting out in the waiting room while the love of your-

Girlfriend is in surgery because your uncle fucking stabbed her.

Christina and Naomi went home, to gather some things for Mirabelle, Alex drove them, Aaron stayed with me but he's at the cafeteria.

I stand up and begin to pace as my heart rate increases rapidly, I feel like I'm hyperventilating.

"Sir." A female voice speaks and I flick my head to her. "Yes?" I breathe out.
"Are you in relations to, Mirabelle Alveras?" She asks, I exhale a shaky breath and nod.

"Well, I've come to notify you, that the surgery was successful and she will be absolutely fine."

My tensed shoulders relax slightly and I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted up and off my shoulders.

The woman's expression is almost unreadable, A glint of sorrow shimmers In her glossy eyes. "But I'm afraid the baby didn't make it.." she says lowly and My heart drops to my stomach.

I furrow my eyebrows, and my body temperature spikes, I feel like I have a fever and I'm about to pass out. "W- What baby?" I say with a chuckle of nervousness.

Confusion paints her face, until realization hits her and me at the same time.

She was fucking pregnant.

. . .

Belles POV :
⚠️ Mentions of SA/RAPE⚠️

"Please stop." I cried out.

"Someone help me." I begged.
"Please stop."


"Shut the fuck up and take it you little slut."

"You dirty whore."

"Stop fucking crying, you know you like it sweetie."

I'm disgusting.


I need to vomit.

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