38 - ice cream

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Belles POV :

We arrive at the Ice cream shop, and Penelope requests Teo, My boyfriend, to take her out of the car seat, and only him.

So I roll my eyes and walk ahead of them, and I turn back to see her smiling at him as he holds onto her hand walking her in.

I hate him now.

The door opens and the bell hanging above it dings alerting the employees of our arrival and I force a smile onto my face.

"Hi." I say to the 16 year old looking boy. "Hello, Are you ready to um," he pauses and looks to the older women, and the younger girl. "Order?, or do you need some, Browsing time?" He asks, and a light coat of pink covers his freckled cheeks.

"We're gonna browse real quick, thank you." I flash him a genuine smile, and he nods and smiles creeping his way back to the older woman, who seems to have a proud grin on his face.

Awww he's adorable, not in a creepy pedo way of course.

"P, what do you want?" I ask, Leaning against the wall. She shrugs walking cautiously to the glassed freezers, and she goes on her tippy toes, looking at the different kinds of ice cream.

"What are you getting?" He asks, and I frown crossing my arms. "Nothing."

He furrows his brows, "You don't want anything?"
I shake my head, I do want something but I don't need something.

He's silent for a moment, I glance at him and hes studying my face, my expression, and I look back to Penelope. "Okay.." he says in a low tone, and walks up towards the counter.

Penelope comes hopping over, a smile on her face, and a cup of ice cream in her small hands and I didn't even see her order. "I got ice cream!" She says excitedly.

I gasp bending down to her level. "Did you order all by yourself like a big girl?!" She proudly nods her head up and down. "Well, what did you get bab?" I tuck the loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"S-Suuuuuperman!" she says with a blue stained mouth and I can't help the smile on my face. She slips away to Matteo. "Look T- Teo."

And I roll my eyes standing up,Of course she has to go and show Teo.

"Woahhh—" he says something dramatically and I walk up to the counter.

"Excuse me.." I say catching the boys attention, and he smiles walking towards me slowly. "Yes..?" He says in a low voice. "Thank you." I say and pull out my wallet.

"Um— Its my pleasure." He shyly smiles. "Your daughters really cute." And I snort. "That's not my daughter." I laugh and his eyes widen and a panicked expression appears on his face.

"Shit— I mean— I'm so sorry!" He says panicky and I reassure him. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I chuckle.

Do I look old or something?!

Before I pull my card out, Matteo slides his card on the glass forward and I turn back at him and send him a deadly glare.

"Take mine." I say throwing my hand forward. "No, Don't listen to her, take mine." He insists,

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