•𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐒• cookies & kisses

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"Ma! Dad!!" Angelina whines, throwing her arms in the air in a fit. Due to Matteo grabbing my ass, and peppering my face with kisses while we were in the middle of baking cookies.

"Separate them!" Angel chimes in, pointing his finger at us, signaling Luca along with himself to charge at us, squeezing themselves in between us.

Causing me and Matteo to cling onto one another tighter, as our laughter collides in the air.

"Hey! Stop it." Sophia chimes into the loud combust of yelling. Standing on the counter dangerously, waving her hands in the air.

Angel stops, while Luca completely ignores her yells, that is until Angel clamps him on the back of the head, and grabs his shoulder stopping him immediately.

"stop okay. Just stop." She sighs, kneeling down to sit in the countertop. Her eyes dart towards me and Matteo, Clung onto one another.

A slow, shy cheeky smile spreads across her features, making her impossibly more adorable than she already was.

She is the perfect mix between Alex and Naomi, she has Naomi's hair, Alex's nose. And Naomi's freckles dotting on the tip of her nose, and apples of her cheeks.

"I think that they are kinda cute, and they should continue." She musters out, hugging herself shyly as a shade of pink paints her cheeks. A glimpse  of proudness poking out as well.

My heart melts, and I slowly loosen my tight hold on Matteo, while sharing a knowing glance with him.

A dimpled smile forms onto his face, and a small smile cracks on my lips.
"Awh— Sophia—"

"Oh?— Yeah me too!—Same." Angel cuts me off, Sliding past me and towards the step stool. Which he uses to climb onto the counter, to sit next to her.

A cheesy smile paints the nine year old boys face, and a coat of blush paints the cheeks I gave him.

"Oh my gosh—" Angelina groans, dragging her two small hands down her face. Then grabbing a handful of cookie dough and shoving it into her mouth, before crossing her arms.

I don't know where she gets her attitude from.

I snort when Angel and Sophia lock eyes, with cheesy smiles on their faces before Angel breaks the eye contact too quickly. His face only becoming redder by the second.

I glance at Matteo, His body rocks with silent laughter that is covered by his hand. Before his eyes dart in the other direction.

His hand drops fast, Eyes widened as he strides towards Angelina. "Angela! You can't eat that!—" I press my lips together fitting the laughter that wants to erupt from my throat.

Instead I walk towards Sophia and Angel, with a smile on my face. "Thank you Soph." I say, grabbing Angels chin and planting a sloppy kiss on his rosy cheek.

He groans, and moves away, wiping his cheek with a glare directed towards me. He only does that when she's around. Young love, it's adorable.

Luca pops up from out of nowhere, and sits down right beside Angel. His small, softer hand grabs mine, catching my attention.

"Titi, My turn." He smiles a dimpled smile, tapping his chubby cheek. I snort, before grabbing his chin and planting a kiss on his cheek.

I pull away, cock a brow. He sighs, a smile remaining on his face.
"Thank you— Please, Marry me when I'm older." He clasps his hands together, in a begging manner.

I burst into laughter, and before I can respond Matteo barges towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me against him.

He peppers kisses on my cheek. "Excuse you— She's married." He huffs, sending a glare Lucas way, to which he returns.

I reach and cup Matteo's cheek, shoving his face into the crook of my neck, and he gets the hint and starts peppering kisses there.

"I'm sorry, He already put a ring on it, and impregnated me." I shrug, running my fingers through his hair.

"Ewwuah.— I didn't need to know that Mama!" Angelina says, fake gagging. I roll my eyes.
"How else do you think you exist hon?"

Matteo interrupts the friendly banter between me and my daughter, by poking in between my ribs making me jump a little.

"Be nice to my girl." He whispers in my ear, and I swear a shiver runs down my spine. How many years has it been? And he still has this effect on me.

I elbow him in the ribs. "I am, and I thought I was your girl." I narrow my eyes, before pushing myself away from him, letting my pettiness get the best of me.

"Well Luca, You could always marry my daughter." I suggest, raising my brows with a cheeky smile.

"Excuse me?!—" Matteo's voice echos before I snap my fingers brushing him off.

Luca sighs, looking downwards. "Can't." Is all he says.

I furrow my brows. "Why not?"

"She hates me." He answers.

She snorts from beside him. "I do." She shrugs, wiping the excess cookie batter off the corners of her mouth.

He narrows his eyes at her, before barely shoving her with his shoulder.

She gasps dramatically. Before shoving him very much harder than he did her. So hard he flys off the counter.

I clamp my mouth with my hand, looking over the edge to reassure myself he's okay, and he is because somehow he landed on his feet and didn't crack his head open.

And here comes the laughter that threatens to erupt from my throat. I shove that shit down, and shake my head planting a hand on my hip.

"Angelina." I warn, ignoring the fit of laughter coming from behind me. "Let's not push one another. And if you are going to, try and match the same amount of force. Please." I press my lips together.

She smiles, most definitely seeing that I am about to burst into laughter. "Okay, Mama!" She smiles sweetly.

I force a smile, and that's it. No laughter. Just a smile.
"Good girl, thank you." I run a hand down her hair, before planting a kiss on her forehead to which she doesn't resist.

"She pushed me hard man—" Luca exclaims.

And that was the endgame, that was when the laughter bursted through my chest, rocking my entire body. Causing me to clutch onto the counter for support.

Thankfully the air is filled with everyone's laughter, some giggles as well. And Lucas included. not just mine.




I don't know if I should make a squeal to this book, ones with the kids romance instead, I already have the foundation.

It would be about Sophia, and Angelo. Or possibly Luca and Angelina? Idk, you lmk pls.

Thank u thank u thank uuu sm<3 ily>3

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