Chapter 3

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Onyx sat in the far corner and look at the girl asleep on his bed. He don't know why he save her and not the others. He has stayed away from humans for years and now he show himself to one.

He's so stupid.

He hear her groan and know she in great pain though he give her something for it. She's one of the lucky ones. The others wouldn't have survived the poison once bitten. But she only have a scratch.

He watch her move around under the covers until her head peeked out.

Now he know why he save her.

She was beautiful. The woman on his planet are not so pretty to look at. Me get the looks but then women didn't.

He watch her sit up and push the hair from her face.

Its another thing the woman on his planet doesn't have.

"Was it all a dream?"he heard her asked himself.

"It wasn't." Her head turn in his direction and her mouth fell open. Not the reaction he was expecting but he'll take it.

He rise to his feet and walk to the bed. She look up at him with large grey eyes.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"We were attacked. Oh God we were attacked! My friends are dead. Oh my leg hurts."

"Calm down. Let me see the leg." He pull back the covers and was glad to see it wasn't inflamed anymore. The medicine was working. "You'll be OK."

"I want to go home."

"There isn't much to go home to. Those monsters are everywhere. People will die within seconds after coming in contact with it "

"This is a nightmare,"she cried.

"Onyx come in."

Onyx walk to the computers mounted on the wall.

"What you got for me?"

"The planet you're on will be gone in matters of hours. Its best if you come home now."

"OK. But Commander, I'm bringing someone back with me."

"A human girl?"

"Yes. Just to give you a heads up."

"Thanks General. See you when you return."

The call cut and he turn back to his guest who was picking at the blanket.

"I just got news that earth will no longer exist in a few hours."

"What? How?"

"Those creatures reproduced rapidly. We have to leave now before they found us here."

"You mean I'm possibly the only one alive."

"Yes. Can you walk?"

"I can try." He sit up and slowly get off the bed.

"No." Onyx lift her and start for where his ship is.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Savannah."

"Nice to meet you Savannah."

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