Who Done It?

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Emma woke up the next morning on the couch. She was tangled up in Charles' arms only wearing a blanket. She could hear the alarm clock in her bedroom going off. 

"Charles." She whispered. The man below her groaned tightening his grip. "Charles the alarm is going off, we are gonna be late." 

"Just a little longer." He told her kissing her blonde hair. She smiled burrying her face into his neck. 

"We can't be late." She said kissing his neck.

"Keep that up and we will be late for a different reason." He chuckled. She laughed and finally sat up. Charles began to trace patterns on her arm. "You're a genius you know. I've been wanting to try again but didn't think you did too." Emma smiled as she leaned down to kiss him. 

"Why don't we kill two birds with one stone in the shower?" 

"Smart, saves water too." Emma laughed as she stood up and ran to the shower. 


"Wait what!? About time!" April laughed as she saw Charles and Emma walking hand-in-hand in the parking lot. Reed and Jackson turned and both smiled. 

"Finally. He would not shut up about you Em." Jackson said.

"Shut up, man." Charles said through laughs. 

"Hey, who's all giving blood today?" Reed asked.

"I planned to." Emma replied. "Charles talked about it but hasn't made a decision."

"No, I did, you said cookie so I will be now." 

The group of five got into the elevator, seeing Miranda Bailey and Cheif Webber.

"Hey! How was your first day yesterday?" Cheif asked.

"Fine, Cheif." Jackson said. "It's a wonderful program you're running."

"I second that, we appreciate the opprotunity." Emma added. The cheif smiled and nodded. 

"Wonderful! Well, the scrubs are in! the boxes are in the resident's lounge."

The elevator opened and the five walked out, Charlies and Emma being the last.

"I miss our green scrubs. I look good in that green." Emma said as they saw the box of light blue scrubs.

"You look good in everything." Charles told her, kissing her head before walking to his cubby. She smiled wide walking to hers on the otherside of the room.

"This is cute and all but the flirting is also gross." Reed said, smirking at her.

"You guys dated before right?" April asked.

"In med school. Broke up when we didn't know where we going to do our interenships. Then I thought he was interested in someone else. But all it took was skipping meals and getting drunk to admit it to him." She laughed. She slipped her sweater off so she was in her white tank. She slipped her new blue scrubs on and clipped her hair up. 

"Well, we are very happy. It just better not ruin the groups dynamic." April warned. 

"It won't." Emma assured her.

"Em, let's go donate!" Charles called out to her. 

"See you later lovelies." Emma told her two best girl friends before walking away from them.

"I'm coming too!" Jackson said. Emma smiled as they went downstairs to the blood drive.

The three got lost several times, but finally found the room. Emma notice Alex in the corner. 

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