The Face Of Change

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Emma sat in the physical therapy room, her foot dangling as she waited for Dr. Dexter to get back with her running blade. She adjusted her biker shorts as she pursed her lips, growing impatient.

She was never a runner, but with a big change like losing her leg, she thought about picking up the hobby. 

"Alrighty, sit tight here and I will be back with your options." Emma looked over and saw Dr. Moore with Caleb, her patient from almost a month before. "Oh, Dr. Harlow! I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's okay." Emma waved him off. 

"Wait, you were the one who cut my son's leg off?" The father asked, looking down at her missing leg. "Figures." 

"Okay, Harlow. Here she is." Emma ignored the father, looking over at her prosthetist. She smiled wide at the running blade in his arms. "It's gonna feel different, obviously, but based on how fast you got used to your everyday leg it should be easy for you." 

Emma watched as he put it on for her, helping her up. It felt strange, bouncier, but she couldn't help but smile as she was led to the tredmill.

Caleb and his father stood back, watching as the doctor learned to run.

"Dr. Harlow is basically the Seattle Grace Mercy West prosthetist face person." She heard Dr. Moore tell the duo. 

"She clearly only cut my son's leg off because she's insecure." 


"Quiet, Caleb." 

Emma was beaming as she began to slightly jog.

"Well, she did a damn good surgery. Saved the boy's life I heard." 

"More like ended it."

"I'm alive dad!" Emma snapped out of her high as she looked at them through in the mirror. "Because of her, I am alive!" 

Emma reached down and shut the tredmill down.

"I should get going." She told Dr. Dexter. "Alex should be off soon." 

"Alright, when are you free to stop back?" 

"I-I'll schedule something." She shrugged, sitting down to replace her new blade with her everyday leg. 

"Well, tell Dr. Karev I say hi." 

"Will do. Thank you." Emma stood up and turned towards the door. "Happy to see you recovering Caleb." 

"Thank you, Dr. Harlow." 


"Brand ambassador? What does the even mean?" Jo Wilson asked as the three walked towards the living room. The couple and Cristina Yang took in the intern, giving her the attic.

"It means he gets to wear a funny hat and cut things with oversized scissors." Emma answered, adjusting Ellie on her hip.

"All I know is, Cahill creeps me out." Alex said, putting a handful of popcorn into his mouth. 

"That, creeps me out." Jo said, pointing to Stephanie Edwards and Jackson Avery on the couch.

"My baby does not need to see this." Emma turned around to walk back to the kitchen.

"Who comes over to someone else's house and starts sucking face?" 

"You invited them." The blonde told the younger girl, setting Ellie in her height chair. 

They all froze as they heard something fall in the room above them.

"What's that?" Jo asked. 

"We are directly underneath Yang's room, and Owen's visiting. What do you think?"

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