This Magic Moment

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Emma has officially reached 20 weeks. Luckily for her, it just looks like she had a big lunch.

She has yet to tell anyone else after Meredith found out, Derek overheard, and she told Alex. The couple was trying to find a bigger apartment within their budget in the mean time. 

Emma walked down the hall with to the resident's lounge.

"Good morning." Emma smiled, setting her bag down in the cubby next to hers.

"Hi. Did you hear the news?" April asked. Emma shook her head. "Seattle Grace Mercy West is doing a seperatin of conjoined twins." 

"Wait, shit. Seriosuly?" Emma asked, putting her scrub top on. 

"Yes! We are going to be a part of medical history!"

"Is Jackson here yet?" 

"I am right here, what's up?" Jackson and Lexie walked into the room.

"Lexie, can we have the room please?" Emma asked, digging in her bag.

"Um, sure?" 

"Thanks!" Emma told her, not looking at the confused girl. She heard the door shut and looked up at her now even more confused best friends. "So, this isn't exactly how I planned out my life, like at all, but it's happening so we have to embrace it." She held up the same photo she showed Alex.

"Shut up!" April screamed, grabbing the picture. "Shut up!" 

"Wait, with Karev?"

"No with Richard Webber, yes with Karev!" Emma snapped. 

"Shut up!" April jumped on her best friend, wrapping her into a tight hug. "I-I can't believe! Oh my, gosh!" 

"Congrats, Em." Jackson wrapped his arm around the two girls. 

"They're hugging? Why are they hugging?" Cristina asked.

"Can I come back in now?" Lexie asked. 

"She must have finally told them." Meredith said.

"She knew before us?" April asked.

"She found out on her own somehow." Emma pointed at Meredith. Alex walked into the room next. 

"Hey! Congratulations!" April ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"I-thanks but let go please." Emma chuckled. 

"Hey! We have medical history to make people! Let's go!" Miranda said into the room. She caught glimpse of the ultrasound in April's hand as she still embraced Alex. "Alex Karev? And a baby? Hm. Congratulations." 

"Thanks." Alex finally pushed April off of him. 


"Practice, practice, practice until it makes perfect. This is a long, complex procedure with many parts. Therefore, many opportunities for error. We we are gonna go over this again. Team leaders, lets get into place." Owen instructed.

"All right, green team over here, please." Derek said. Emma stepped aside with Cristina and Meredith. 

"Let's go, red!" Arizona walekd to the other side of the OR. 

"We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has. So I'm asking you for every resource that have. Be sharp, be present, be focused. Dr. Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. They will each get a new life today. Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be. Let's begin." Owen revealed the baby dolls to practice on. 

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