Going, Going, Gone

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Emma sat on her couch as she watched reruns of Friends, her leg, or lack there of, propped up next to her.

She does not love being stuck at home, at least she has Ellie.

"Big day today." Alex sat next to her, Ellie in his arms.

"What? Getting a leg or pulling the plug on Mark?" She asked bluntly. Alex gave her a concerend look.

"I meant the leg." Alex answered. Emma nodded, staying focused on the TV. "You should go see Robbins." 

"Because she also had to suffer in the woods and get her leg amputated?" Alex sighed, looking down at Ellie as she sucked at her binky. 

"And get some socialization outside of a baby who can't talk yet." 

"Ellie is the best company." Emma mumbled, looking over at the baby girl. "Look at her, perfect."

"Easy for you to say, you didn't just change her. That diaper was diabolical." Alex chuckled. Emma met his eyes. 

Emma's mood has been all over the place. Love and happiness with Ellie. Anger and grief towards her leg, losing Lexie, and Mark. Fear and tiredness from her nightmares keeping her up all night. 

"We don't have to leave for a few hours, you should try and rest." Alex told her. He would wake up from her screaming, which would trigger the baby crying, every night. "She's down now, so that's what I'll be doing." He stood up, bringing Ellie to her crib. 

He was right. Emma grabbed her crutches and stood up. Alex was quick to scoop her up and bring her to bed. He laid her down, quickly laying laying next to her. 

Emma was tired, exhausted even. She turned her head so it was resting against Alex's arm as she closed her eyes. The man rolled over to wrap his arms around her, kissing her jaw. 

"This is not how I wanted to bring Ellie home." Emma mumbled. "I'm sorry I forced you into this."

"You didn't force me to do anything." Alex told her. "I could have been a deadbeat douche." Emma wrapped her arms around Alex's that was wrapped around her. 

"You could have been at Hopkins by now if you did. I'm holding you back."

"We could just stay here. Cheif keeps reoffering us, both of us." 

"You deserve Hopkins-"

"I deserve to be with the woman I love and help raise my baby. That's what I choose." Alex was now propped up on to his elbow. "You're stuck with me, deal with it." 

Emma looked up at him, cracking a small smile.

"I'll manage." She said meekly. 

"Good." Alex kissed her before laying back down. 


Emma used her crutches to walk into the hospital as Alex pushed the stroller.

"Hey, his room is upstairs." Jackson greeted them. 

The family came to the hospital early. Emma wanted to make sure that Emma got to meet Mark, even if he isn't awake. 

The blonde sat in the chair near is bed, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"Hey Sloan." She said. "There's someone I know you wanna meet." Alex handed her Ellie. "Say 'Hi Mark'. This is Ellie. Um, I found out I was pregnant with her the day we came here for Sofia after she rolled off the couch. I kept blaming it on the tequila." 

Alex watched as the blonde talked. 

"You were right though, the little one was anxiety and stress inducing, well still is, but she is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Emma looked back down at Ellie. "Her, Sofia, and Zola are gonna be the best of friends. Oh, Callie gave me the pink bear you picked out for her. She loves it, I love it. Thank you for that by the way."

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