Callie Torres

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Emma woke up in April's bed. 

After the four blew through six bottles of wine, Emma passed out on the couch. But the other three agreed to have her sleep in the oh so familar spot in April Kepner's bed.

"Come on, Em. You can borrow a clean sweater from me." Emma sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes as she stood up. She put her pants back on, and took the sweater April as holding out to her.  "You can have my unused mascara, just pay me back by buying me a new one." 

"Thanks." Emma told her. 

The girls quietly got ready as the others left. Emma was making April late, which the blonde knew was stressing her out.

"Okay, I'm ready." Emma told her. 

"I'll drive! Keys." April rushed. Emma handed her her keys, and rushed out the door behind her. 

The two got to the hospital, April rushing inside.

Emma trailed behind, watching her friend run inside the hospital. April was already pracitcally dressed in her scrubs as Emma was walking into the lounge.

"Hurry up, Em. We have a trauma." Jackson told her. The blonde nodded, not picking up her pace as she sat her purse up. 

"It's Torres!" Lexie gasped. "The t-trauma. It's Torres."

"What?" Emma asked. That sped her up. She didn't even finish putting her scrub top on as she rushed to the ER. She was running down the hall when she nearly ran into Mark Sloan. "I am so sorry!" She panicked.

"Just get ready to help, Harlow!" He yelled as he ran to the ambulance bay. Emma grabbed a trauma gown and walked out as she tied it on. She could feel a panic attack coming, but took deep breaths trying to calm her self down.

This merger has bot been treating her well. 

"What the hell happened?" Mark asked.

"Car versus truck-"

"And her injuries? What - the baby?" Emma bit the inside of her cheek. 

"We don't know yet." Derek told his best friend. Emma felt a presence beside her and glanced over at Alex. She turned to go stand by Jackson, only for her to see Lucy standing htere too. 

"Well, why the - why the hell don't you know? Harlow, get me a trauma gown." Emma didn't move, she saw an intern rush inside. 

"Mark, you need to sit this one out." Chief Webber told him. 

"I'm not sitting this one out. That's Callie. That's my kid."

"Which is why you can't. I'm sorry. You can't be a doctor on this one." 

"Screw you. Screw all of you!" The intern handed the attending the yellow trauma gown.

"Look at me, Sloan. Look at me." Richard finally grabbed a hold of the man. "Maybe I don't understand what you two have, how you have it, but I understand this, she is your family. Callie Torress and that baby are your family and the best way that you can help your family is to step back and let the rest of us do what you can't rationally do, save their lives. Okay?" Emma quickly wiped a tear off her cheek.

"Mark." Derek told him. 

"I'm in the room, you hear me? I'm in the room."

"Okay." The ambulance pulled up and Emma pushed her way in front of Lucy and Alex. "Hunt, you're in charge." 

"All right, everyone. Multiple blunt trauma protocol. Let's go." Owen opened the rig.

"Tachycardic and hypotensive en route obvious head and chest injuries." Arizona said as she stepped out of the ambulance. Emma looked at the gash in her head.

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