Love The One You're With

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Emma pushed Ellie's stroller as they walked into the hospital.

"Hey. How did you get here?" Alex asked, dressed in his scrubs, falling into step with them.

"I drove." She shrugged. 

"Em, you are not cleared to drive." 

"My left leg is the metal one, not the right leg. Do I need to remind you that you don't use your left leg to drive?" 

"I know that, But what if something happened while you-"

"Nothining did." She stopped. Alex turned to face her. "See. We are fine." 

"J-Just listen to your doctors please." He opened the attendings lounge door.

"To be fair, they are holding my back. I am fine." Emma took her coat off and threw it at Alex. "If I could skip this meeting and change into scrubs without getting caught, I would." 

Emma looked in the mirror and fixed the collar of her blouse. She fluffed out her hair and took a deep breath.

"See, you're not okay." Alex stood behind her as she looked into the mirror.

"I already have a permenant reminder if those days, I wish I didn't have to sit in on the legal stuff too." Alex nodded, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. 

"You're amazing, you know that right?" Emma gave him a puzzled look. "Your strength amazes me." The blonde gave him a small smile, resting her hands over his arms. 

"When I was talking to Evan about, everything. I talked about Charles a lot. I really thought he was my only chance at true love, the love of my life. But then he asked me about you." She chuckled. "And I talked about how I hated you on my first day. How you talked me through so many panic attacks, held me through the nighmates after the shooting, and are a major softy for me and Ellie. I just got lucky to get two amazing loves in my life." 

"Me too." Emma smiled again. Ellie cooed from her stroller and the parents looked over as she spoke gibberish.

"Story time, my favorite." Alex walked over to her, unstrapping her and picking her up. 

"Hey! Glad you could make it." Meredith said, walking in with Derek. 

"That man didn't give me much of a choice." She pointed at Alex as he sat on the couch with a babbling Ellie. "How's the hand?" Emma asked Derek.

"Getting better everyday. You? We miss you over here."

"I think I'm at the point where they're not clearing me because I ask them to at least three times in one appointment." He laughed. The two took a seat at the table.

"Callie said she and Owen will meet us here." Meredith sighed. "Can I have baby time?"

"No, it's story time." Alex waved her off as Ellie continued to babble. "Dada loves story time." He looked down at Ellie. Emma smiled at the two on the couch.

"I thought having a baby was supposed to make you nicer." Meredith sighed, sitting on the couch next to Alex.

"Is Zola at daycare?" 

"Yup, her and Sofia were playing blocks!" Derek beemed, sitting next to Emma.

"I-Is it a nice daycare. I mean I know it is but I just want to make sure since Ellie is-"

"It's a greay daycare and the best since it's free for hospital staff and close." Emma nodded, taking another deep breath. "Meredith had the same thoughts, but Zola loves it. Staff loves her, she'll do just fine." The two glanced at Alex and Meredith as they interacted with Ellie.

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