The End Is The Begining Is The End

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"Not to be over dramatic, acutally-" Emma paushed as the others in the attendings lounge looked at her as she walked in. "-I fully mean to be over dramatic, but why the actualy fuck am I being kept out of the OR? Why the fuck can Robbins go right back in, but I keep getting told 'oh sorry Harlow, turns out we don't need you' horse shit." The blonde snapped, throwing her scrub cap on the table. 

"It happened again?" April asked. 

"Yup!" She sat down next to her and Meredith. "Like, why am I even here at this point." She sighed, putting her face in her hands.

"Next one is yours. I can feel it." Meredith told her. 

"I might as well just get dressed for the slight, off change, the courts call because clearly I am not good for anything else." The girl stood up, grabbing her street clothes out of the cubby.

"Hey! I just had an amazing bowel surgery on a kid-"

"Wow! Great! Good for you!" Emma snapped, slamming the door to the bathroom.

"Shit? What's the date? Did I miss an important date?" Alex asked.

"Nope, she was kicked off another surgery." Meredith told him.

"Seriously? Why?" Both of the other women shrugged. 

Emma angerily changed. She was so blinded with rage, she put all of her weight on her left leg. She fell, taking the soap and basket of femine products that sat on the counter with her.

"Damn it!" She yelled, throwing the bottle of soap.

"Emma? Emma are you okay?" She heard April knocking on the door.

"I'm fine!" She snapped. She heard pagers on the otherside of the door go off.

"You both go, I got her." She heard Meredith say. "Emma? Can you reach the lock?" 

"No." She lied, propping herself against the wall.

"Nice try. Open up." Emma huffed, reaching up to unlock the door. Meredith pushed her way through, looking at the girl on the floor.

"See, I'm fine." She sighed. Meredith nodded, sitting down on the floor next to her. 

"What else is going on?"

~Night Of The Wedding~

Emma woke up just a few hours after her and Alex could barely wait for the hotel door to close before stripping down.

Alex was passed out, snoring softly causing her to chuckle. She reached for Alex's white dress shirt that was at the foot of the bed. She slipped it on before grabbing her crutches. It's hard to be silent with crutches, but she managed to get across the room without waking Alex. She dug through their bags, not remembering if the toiletries bag was in her duffle or his. She had one mission, get the makeup caked under her eyes off. 

She silently cheered as she felt the quilted material of the bag in Alex's duffle, grabbing it to take it out. She cursed when she heard a small thud, Alex only rolling over slightly in bed. Using the desk in the room to hold stablize her, she bent down trying to find what made the noise.

She froze at the feeling of a small, velvet box.

"I helped him pick it out." Meredith said, listening to every word the blonde was saying. 


"Yeah, he's hidden it from you for this long? I'm impressed."

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