The Girl With No Name (pt. 2)

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Emma sat beside Alex at the lunch table, finally eating more than vitamins and protein bars.

"Turns out UCLA just wanted me to do a lecture. They actually wanted Harper but, they can't ge a hold of him.

"You're a name brand. You're like the freakin' Ritz-Carlton of surgery. Who cares if that's why they want you?" Alex asked him.

"Because he knows deep down he's more of a roadside motel." Cristina said. 

"This is why you will never be alone with my child." Emma told her, looking at the brunette on the otherside of Alex. 

"Oh, oh, oh, she's going for the soup!" April said. Emma looked and saw Holly.

"Bold move. She's gonna have to talk to the soup guy." 

"She's looking good. Looking confident." Jackson nodded.

"And she bails. No soup for Holly." Alex said. 

"She looks terrified." Lexie piped in. "Why are you so mean? Would you just go buy her some soup?" Lexie looked at Emma. 

"It's not mean. She's going home soon, and Dr. Fincher says she has to learn to do things for herself."

"Maybe then Mer can go to Boston, she uses you as an excuse for not going." Cristina said.

"Why?" Emma laughed.

"Because you decided to name your baby after her and aren't resting."

"Well, when you do go, just be aware that you're gonna get judged more on your personality than stuff that actually matters, like your resume." April said,

"Meredith is not like you. Her personality doesn't suck." Alex said. Emma slapped his chest. "Ow!"

"Sorry, it slipped." Emma said sarcastically, no emoition on her face.

"Oh, pizza station!" Jackson said. The doctors all watched as the worker began to talk to her, prompting Holly to quickly walk away. 

"Oh, whatever! You know what? Those programs can suck it. I'm tired of trying so hard not to be me. You know what? I like me." April said. 

"That makes one of us." Alex said. Emma went to hit him again, only for him to grab her hand midair. "Stop!"

"I love you April Kepner." Emma told her. 

"Look, you don't have to not be you. Just be a little less you. That's all." Jackson said. 

"Get up." Mark grabbed Jackson by the ear. 

"What are you doing?" Jackson snapped.

"Claire Hiatt just called to tell me you walked out on your interview. Call her back, apologize."

"Look, I respectfully withdrew my application." 

"You want me to drag you out by your ear?" 

"I-" Emma looked at him, her eyebrows raised as he stood up, taking his lunch with him.

"Freakin Robbins." Alex snapped, leaning back in his chair. Emma squeezed his hand she was still holding.

"So, I didn't actually, uh, speak to anyone." Holly said. "But, I did go to the self serve station. And it actually wasn't that hard." She sat down across from Emma. All the dcotros looked down at her tray. 

Cake, cookies, and an donut.

"What?" Holly asked.

"Nothing, it looks good." Emma nodded. 

"I gotta go talk to Robbins." Alex stood up. "Oh, and do not forget this appointment, if you do no Boise." He threatened Emma.

"Aye aye, Captain." She fakeed a salute. He chuckled, kissing her head and walking out of the cafeteria. "So, Holly, Dr. Grey is gonna stay with you while I go to my appointment."

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