Second Opinion

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"Alright, all set." Emma smiled, putting a bandaid on the arm of her patient. It was flu shot centeral in the clinic.

"Thank you Dr. Harlow. You are a blessing." The old woman said. The blonde smiled, turning to walk away. 

"Harlow, Karev is requesting you in the ER." 

"Did he say why?" The nurse shook his head. "All right. Sorry to leave during flu shot day."

"Gotta do what you gotta do." 

Emma walked across the ambulance bay, walking into the ER.

"I told you to change your shirt! What the hell is wrong with you?" She heard Alex yell at an intern.

"Damn, I am very grateful you are not my boss." She walked up to him. "Why did you page me?" 

"Mer talked to me about the house. We might need to find a new place already." The two began walking.

"What? We just moved all of our stuff." She whined. 

"She doesn't want to fix anything. We can't have Ellie there with some of that shit." 

"Fair, but can we hire movers this time?"

"If it makes you feel better." Emma nodded at him, indicating that it would. "Did you hear Yang is back?"

"Wait, what? Really?" Alex nodded, pushing the doors to the main lobby open. Sure enough, Cristina Yang sat at the nurse's station dressed in the navy blue scrubs. "Cristina! Welcome back." Emma smiled, watching as Alex handed a clipboard over to Meredith.

"Thanks, Harlow. Good to be back." She smiled slightly. "Anyway, the husband formerly known as Owen is now just my employer. He gave me the orientation packet."

"Makes you feel any better, I did too. And I only was on medical leave." Cristina chuckled at her. 

"Um, Brian Danzifer's sedated. His BP is down a little." Meredith looked at the clipboard with Alex. 

"Yeah, tox screen's negative. His LFTs and INR are elevated. Did you get a good look at his liver?" 

"Oh, the prodigal Yang returns." Jackson came up to the group. "We've missed you."

"Yes, hi. Blah, blah. Pleasantries." Emma chuckled, looking at Jackson.

"And Emma Harlow is back hospital side? What a day." 

"What do you guys know about the new cardio chief, Jeff Randall?"

"Russell. Nothing." Jackson answered.

"Yeah. No one named Jeff has over done anything substantial." 

"He is kind of a creep." Emma told her. Cristina nodded.

"Hey Karev, Em, when you guys buy Mer's house, can I get my old room back?" 

"Nope. No roommates. We have a baby now." 

"Wait, you're selling them your house?" Cristina asked.

"Come on, Em." Jackson pleaded.

"Sorry, J. We have a baby now." 

"I might not. They want me to rip out the floors." Meredith piped up. 

"I'll take the floors as is."

"Did we mention we have a baby?" Emma raised her hands. "There could be an asbestos, Mer." 

"Jackson!" The voice of April Kepner sounded towards them.

"Why don't you shack up with Kepner? You guys are always boinking anyway." Alex asked, leaning next to Emma. The blonde watched as Jackson went to hide from April. 

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