The Harper Avery

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Emma fell on to her back, panting. 

"I never thought I would be an on call girl." She said.

"We haven't been at home at the same time in weeks." Charles said. A pager went off and Emma sat up. "It's yours. ER." She said.

"Damn it." He grumbled as he stood up and got redressed.

"I love you." She sang. He smiled and bent down to kiss her lips. 

"Love you too, get dressed before I open this door." She laughed and slipped her scrubs back on. 

She walked down the hall opposite of him. She stopped when her pager went off and saw that it was Torres.

"Yes!" She whispered as she went down to the clinic. "You paged Dr. Torres."

"It was a mistake." Alex said.

"Shut it, Karev. Come watch me work my magic mini me." Emma smiled and watched as Callie looked at a woman's leg.

"She? This is why I don't want yo to drive!" The younger woman, still older than her, yelled.

"I had to get my medication the store was gonna close!"

"I'm so - can we not yell?" Callie asked.

"No, actually. My mother's almost completely deaf. A fact she refuses to accept which is why she won't learn sign language or get a hearing aid. So we yell."

"Don't talk to her, talk to me." 

"I'm just telling them what happened!"

"What did happen?" Emma asked from the foot of the bed.

"She stole my car, again."

"There's a tenderness over the zygomatic process and a hemtoma to the left temporal area." Alex told the attending.

"Okay. Run a head and face CT. I'll get Sloan and Shepherd."

"Emma, feel here." Callie said. Emma reached down and began to feel around the woman's very swollen knee. 

"Ruptured tendon right here." 

"Correct. This will need surgery so she will be off her feet for a few weeks."

"So more waiting on her hand and foot? Brilliant." The daughter said. 

"I saw that Kathy!" 

"They're taking you for scans! That's all we said! Jues quiet down! Let the nice doctors do their work!"

"Why is this taking so long?" 

"Take her up to radiology." Callie told the resident. 

The blonde helped set the paitent until the technician took over. She walked into the screening room and waited for Callie to get back. Derek and Alex walked in.

"Didn't I tell you the page was a mistake?" Alex asked.

"I will leave when Torres says that." She smiled. She stood up offering her chair to Derek.

"Get the hell out of here Karev." Mark yelled.


"Get the hell out! Now!" Alex looked at Emma.

"Don't look at me." She shook her head. He scoffed and walked out of the room.

"What the hell was that?" Derek asked.

"I don't like that guy." 

"Oh, he slept with Lexie once, Mark. You two were broken up." Callie said. Emma looked at the female attending.

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