Something's Gotta Give

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Emma sighed as she leaned against the counter with Lexie, waiting for her chart.

"So, you and Alex?" Lexie asked, writing in a chart. 

"Um, no. Yes? I actually don't know." She said. "Sorry, I know you guys like-"

"Don't worry about it. I am pretty sure I was a rebound for him." 

"That's not true."

"It is, but he was one for me too at first."

"Grey, who are you with today?" Jackson asked, still avoiding Emma. April on his tail.

"Shepherd." Lexie replied.

"Damn it. I've already blown it with Shepherd. I can't ask him. Bailey! I haven't blown it with her yet."

"I wouldn't be too sure." Emma told him sarcastically.

"He thinks no one wants to work him." April said.

"Are they saying that or are you saying that?" Lexie asked.

"Here you go, doctor." A nurse said, handing Emma a binder.

"Thanks." Emma told her.

"Jackson wants to know who you're with today." April said.

"Jackson, I am with Karev today. Exciting huh?" She asked him. "I'll see you ladies later." She huffed, walking away. 

"Hey." Emma smiled, walking up to him. "How was Vegas?"

"Good." He answered. She smiled wide. 

"I'm signing the lease on the apartment next to Callie's at lunch today. Could use help moving." 

"Finally getting your own place?" 

"I would rather not sleep on an air mattress anymore." 

"I told you, you don't have to." Emma looked at him.

"I know, but with Jackson still hating me I think it's for the best if I just suffer on the air mattress that I am convinced has a hole in it. Have you heard from Cristina?" She asked changing the subject.


"Well, I hope she's okay. I thought about quitting many times before I came back that one day."


"Yeah. But despite this being the place Charles and Reed died, and the place you almost died, I am weirdly at ease." She said. "Anyway, stuck in peds, at least I get to work a peds case with a future peds fellow."

"I haven't decided yet."

"Yeah, you have." Emma told him as they walked into the room with two little boys.

"Dr. Karev!" The little boy beamed. Emma smiled.

"Hey, bud. I'm back to take your temp." Emma stood back as she watched the man. "Oh, 97.6. Stick our tongue out." 

A popping noise sounded and a ping pong ball hit Alex.

"Ow! Cut it out." Alex told him. 

"I heard we have to do a liver transplant on an infant." Emma sighed.

"Today is not going to be fun." Emma nodded as she heard another pop and watched it hit Alex in the face. Emma busted out laughing. "Enough with the damn ping pong balls!"

"Jerkface!" The kid yelled.

"Whoa. Inside voices here, please." Dr. Stark came in. So you must be Dr. Karev, you missed my rounds today."

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