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Emma was on a high ... someone had to lose their leg for her to feel this way, but man she felt like the best damn surgeron in Seattle.

"You are a bad ass Harlow." Callie said as the two sat in the back of the ambulance, monitoring Susannah's stats. "If it were up to me, I would promote you right now."

"Thank you Torres." She finally smiled slightly. "I feel terrible for feeling so amazing." Callie chuckled, looking down at her phone.

"Hunt has trauma room one ready for us when we get back. Ready to finish this?" Emma nodded happily.

Upon arriving to the hospital, Emma caught the glances of the doctors around her as she tied on a yellow trauma gown.

"What have you got?" Miranda asked, coming into the room. The rest of the residents followed as Emma used a white paper towel to clean the dirt off her face.

"Field amputation with complicated extrications. Still assessing her mulitple crush injuries, but I felt a broken pelvis for sure, and her BP is in the toilet." Callie said. "Harlow was an absolute badass in the field." Emma smiled at her as her classmates watched.

"Why are you disgusting?" Jackson asked.

"She went down there to cut of her leg. Like I said, badass." Callie said. Alex snapped his eyes in her direction. 

"Yeah, this is a Gunther." Miranda said.

"Really?" Callie asked.

"W-What's a Gunther?" Emma asked. 

"You went into a sinkhole?" April asked. "I remember telling you to be safe." 

"I was." Emma said.

"Emma are you stupid?" Jackson asked.

"As far as I am concerned, I saved a woman's life." She argued. "You're all just mad I got to go into the field and got to cut off her leg in a sinkhole."

"Yup." Cristina pointed out. 

"You could have died." Alex pointed out.

"But I didn't, and neither did Danny and Susannah." 

"Harlow, go get cleaned up. You'll be needed in the OR." Miranda said.

"Yes, ma'am." 


Emma walked into the ER, her hair still wet but in a braid as she sat on the bed across from the others.

"So, how is that little boy?" Emma asked Alex.

"He's in surgery with Robbins and Shepherd." Alex said. Emma nodded. "You seriosuly went down into that hole?"

"Oh, my god! Yes! And look! I am fine!" She only had a crew scratches. "And I was excited to finish this with just Callie but now you guys had to ruin it."

"We didn't do anything." Jackson argued.

"You guys-"

"Fifth years, gown up and follow, now." Miranda said coming back. They all followed her back to trauma room one. "She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt, her abdomen is pulp, and her pelvis is probably crushed. You will work rogether to asses her injuries and repair them."

"In the OR?" April asked.

"No, at the Jiffy Lube. Yes in the OR!" Miranda said. "Now, Dr. Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her, she will step in. Otherwise, you're on your own. Don't screw this up, like you screa everything else up you've touched lately."

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