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Emma held out her badge as she put her brelongings in a bin to go through the metal detector. She looked up, and saw a camera man focused on her. She scoffed, shaking her head and going to the elevator.

"This is gonna be hell." Emma announced as she walked into the resident's lounge.

"Just act like their not there." Jackson shrugged.

"Easy for you to say. I signed a document for being on camera, if they try to talk to me I will sue." She took her shirt off, throwing it in her cubby.

There was a documentary crew to film how the hospital has been since the shooting, and Emma hated it. She wanted to go off at the camera, explain what she went through and share how she was doing now, but she held it back.

Alex glanced at the girl a few cubbies down, looking at her body as she put her blue top on. 

"I better have a good surgery today." She huffed, taking her pants off and replacing them quickly.

"Well, if you need me page me." Jackson told her, kissing her head and leaving the room. 

"If you need something more, page me." Alex told her. She felt her face heat up as she clipped her hair up. She was the last one in the room as she clipped her badge on and took a deep breath. 

"Let's do this." She told herself.

Emma walked to the end of the hall to the nurses station looking for an attending.

"Harlow! You're with me!" Callie called.

"Thank god. Thank you." She sighed. "This is the news I needed today." 

"You hate the cameras too?"

"It's stupid. Like we went through the hardest thing anyone can go through, which sadly is also common-"

"Did you sign the papers?"

"Only to be on the camera, they can't ask me questions and will have to distort my voice if they get it on camera." 

"Wicked." Callie nodded. "Well, you are in for a once in a lifetime surgery."

"Really? What?" Emma beamed.

"Double. Arm. Transplant." 

"You're joking." 

"Nope, be prepared. It will be crowded but I will need you're help."

"How long does this take? Hasn't this only been done, like, once?"

"Yup." Callie nodded. "Predicting at least 15 hours. I need you to go find little Grey and get Zack's vitals, he is in room 2231. Call him Zack, or he'll accuse you of calling him old." 

"On it." Emma nodded. She turned on her heel to go to the patient's room. 

"Hey, Grey." She greated as she went into the room.

"Hey! You're helping out too?" Emma nodded, grabbing the chart. She was about to say something but the cameras came in.

"Great, we get the mute one for the biggest medical update." A man said. Emma assumed he was the director. "Blondie is the one who if she speaks, we have to distort her voice."

"Doctor." Emma told him. "It's doctor, not blondie."

"Whatever, rolling in 3 ... 2 ... " The man pointed at the camera one behind him.

"So, how did this happen?"

"Uh, Zack lost his arms four years ago, it was an accident at work. He is, uh, he was a logger. So it could have gone either way. I mean, this thing could have come between us or it could have brought us closer together. And for us, I think it's brought us closer together. I literally have to wipe his ass for him." Emma and Lexie chuckled.

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