One Month Later

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A month passed. 

The funerals of the 11 killed in the shooting came and went.

Everyone understood when they only saw the Harlow girl at two of them.

Jackson Avery had the help of Owen Hunt, Cristina Yang, Teddy Altman, Callie Torres, and Mark Sloan to clean out the apartment Charles and Emma shared. Mrs. Percy took everything she wanted of her son's back home, the rest went into storage. That's where it still sits, untouched.

As for Emma's things, those are in boxes. The boxes cluttered up Jackson's room and some in April's as well. 

For the first two and a half weeks, she wouldn't leave April's bed. Jackson and April had to help to get her fed, bathed, and to go to the bathroom. She didn't leave the bed. 

Recently, she joins the housemates downstairs for meals.

She has yet to say a word.

"Hey Em, breakfast is ready." Jackson said coming into April's room. Emma looked at him from her spot in bed and sat up. 

The two joined the rest of the house downstairs, Emma sitting in her usual chair. 

"Morning." Jackson said, putting a glass of juice in front of Emma. 

"Morning." The rest all said.

"Emma, butter or no butter?" April asked the blonde pointing at the english muffin. They have all been doing that, asking her simple questions to try to get her to talk. 

It never works. 

"Butter, April." Jackson answered. The red head nodded and finished prepping the plate. She walked over and sat the small plate in front of her. The blonde shakingly picked it up and took a bite. "Mer, can you tell your husband that I need a late start? I'm taking Em to her first appointment with Perkins." 

"Yup. I'm happy to hear she is going." Meredith said, smiling at the blonde. She stared blankly at the kitchen table. She finished half of the english muffin, before standing up and leaving the room. 

She sat on the edge of April's bed, looking at her boxes of things. They have tried to get her to step back into the hospital to visit the trauma councelor, this is try number four. 

The first time, it was too soon for everyone. She screamed as they tried to help her up and get her ready.

The second time, she got ready but it ended the same. Her screaming and April having to change her back into ther pajams and holding the broken girl. 

The third time, they even got her to the car. But that is how far they got.

Luckily, Apirl had her shower last night. That way she dosen't back out before she even changes into the outfit they picked out for her.

They decided to not have her dressed in the usual business attire.

Emma slipped on her leggings and old University of Minnesota t-shirt that was much too big. She slipped her Birkenstocks on her feet and took a deep breath.

"Oh Em, you gotta brush the rat's nest." April grabbed her hair brush and began bruhsing the girls' hair. The red head also had her put on deoderant and perfume. 

"April we gotta go!" Jackson called out. 

The the five got in the car, Emma's leg was bouncing as she sat on the passenger seat and Jackson pulled out of the driveway after Meredith and Lexie. 

She no longer had her ring to fidget, it was put away to help with coping and 'moving on'. She was picking at the skin on her hands. Jackson noticed and sighed.

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