Schemes and Screams (Part 4/5)

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Hey, it's been what, a week?

Good news, I won't be as busy now that the new year has finally started, so I'm hoping that updates will be more frequent again!



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For in the shadow in impending doom,

The soul was tested, pushed to its extreme.

And now, a respite, a vacant room,

But haunted thoughts persist, a silent scream.


Orange was just about to leave the room when he realized that he could hear more loud thumping nearby. 

He had been so distracted with the humans and blocks, that he didn't realize Blue was so close.

Orange didn't have the chance to make a run for it, just as he tried to dart behind the stage, Blue came lumbering around the corner.

The big blue monster instantly caught sight of Orange and let out a muffled sound that sounded both like a wheeze and a roar at the same time. 

Orange bolted through the doorway in the back, feeling a rush of panic run through him as the big blue monster gave chase.

Orange ran across the hallway and into the room with the windmill prop, accompanied by several hay bales and fake grass. 

As he tried to run out of the large entrance in the back of the room, he realized that it was completely boarded up.

Orange was confused as he skidded to a stop right before his nose crashed into the wooden planks.

There was no way he could break through them in time, he would have to circle around and find a safe corner for the time being.

He opened the small door to the right of the boarded up exit, only to see that Green was approaching the doorway. 

Orange stumbled backwards, aware of Blue still chasing him from behind, letting out low warbles and growls as he ran across the hallway as well.

Orange tried to find an exit, but realized that he was trapped.

As the two brightly colored monsters closed in from both sides, Orange realized that this was it.

He was going to be torn apart by his own friends, and placed there because of his own stupidity. He couldn't believe he had decided to do something useful for once in his miserable life and he had even messed that up.

It was funny wasn't it?

He really was a mess. He had always known that he would somehow be a failure. 

Ever since he was created, and ever since he killed all those innocent people that had raised him.

It made him sick to think about it. It was fitting for such a foul, wretched creature like himself. 

He could suffer the same way he had made others suffer. He would die without ever knowing what real love felt like, not just the fake friendships he had with the others.

Monsters could never have friends.

It was so ironic. Rainbow Friends, named for their bright colors and lovable personalities, were just bloodthirsty demons wearing cute masks to win over the hearts of children; they would only betray those friendships for nothing.

The Rainbow Friends... made to be friendly and lovable to children, to serve as a friend and role model to them...pushed to this.

He curled tightly into a ball as he finally felt himself become swamped by the guilt that he had forced himself to keep at bay for years. 

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried to push it down again, but he couldn't deny it anymore.

He wanted to get up, to fight back, anything. But he couldn't move, he could barely breathe.

 He couldn't believe that this was his reality now. He stayed there, curled up, waiting for the end.

Hoping for the end.

But it didn't come. Orange still felt overwhelmed from all of his emotions, but he still realized that he hadn't died yet. 

In fact, no one had even touched him. He continued to breathe heavily, waiting for anything to happen.

It still didn't. Orange peeked open an eye, and was genuinely surprised at what he saw. 

He didn't see any horrifying monsters, teeth bared, looming over him, waiting to rip him apart.

He saw Blue. Normal, nice Blue.

Blue wasn't in his Predator form, and he was crouching down, looking at Orange. Concern and guilt shone in his eyes. 

Blue seemed to be considering whether he should try to comfort the Orange monster or not.

Orange still didn't move, he just stared at Blue, still keeping his head and claws tucked in. 

He was grateful to see Blue, but he still hated to be seen so vulnerable. He still felt horrible, the guilt was making his chest hurt.

He felt like it was unfair, the trouble that he had caused. He knew that this would not go unaddressed after the hunt, and felt more shame well up inside him. 

He had never felt so alone, so messed up inside, and it scared him.

Blue simply waited for Orange to calm down a little bit before reaching out about touching Orange's shoulder with his big nubby hand.

Orange looked back up at him. He kept seeing flashes of Predator Blue whenever he looked at him, even though he knew it was safe now. 

He knew he wouldn't ever forget how it felt to be chased by these colorful monsters, even if he was one himself.

Blue looked at Orange for another minute, seeming to be considering things, then he swiftly scooped up the small orange lizard in his arms and walked down the hallways.

Orange let himself sink into the firm hold of Blue, and couldn't stop the tear that slid down his cheek.

He hoped that things could somehow get better.


I'm sorry if it was a little short today, but we're finally making some progress in the story. 

Stick around reader!

Next Chapter: Schemes and Screams (Part 5/5)

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