These Memories (Part 3/4)

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Hi. Here is a chapter.

I changed the boy's name to Chase since I don't think the Rainbow Friends really understand the concept of human names (Since they're just named after their colors, a physical trait). 

Therefore, I don't think they would give their friend a "human" name, but rather a name that is more like a noun or a verb. Therefore, Chase, one of their favorite games to play with him.

Also thanks to @Cupcake_Muffin00 for the suggestion. I appreciate all of the ideas you all gave me, it really helped. I did consider all of the names, but Chase seemed to be the best choice for this.

(I still don't know why I originally chose "Ethan" tbh)



Orange (again-)

In the silence of a twisted fate,

Where laughter once echoed, now desolate.

A friendship, pure, without any pretend,

Crumbled beneath my actions, its tragic end.


Warning: Death! 💀 Death of Minors, Graphic Violence, blood, gore.

(I see you, in the back over there, who's excited to watch people get mauled. 👀)

>{-July 13, 1992-}<

Orange ran through the halls, his eyes frantically darting around. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think.

He didn't know what was going on. It felt like his body was moving by itself and his thoughts were racing in every different direction. He tried to stop, to do something, but he kept going.

Hunt, hurt, make them pay.

The words echoed at the front of his mind, drowning out everything else. Orange thought he could hear screaming, but he wasn't sure.

It's their fault.

He turned around a corner, roaring as he came face to face with a human. He wasted no time in jumping up and slashing at their neck. As they crumpled to the floor, he opened his jaws wide and started tearing them apart.

It's their fault.

He ignored the blood splattering all over his body. He could hear it now, the horrible wailing, the screaming echoing around him, mixing with his own thoughts. It seemed as if everything was moving, everything was crying.

It's their fault.

He looked up from the bloody corpse below him, holding a chunk of fresh meat in his mouth. Orange heard a calling, some sort of force, urging him to run again.

He sped off, leaving a trail of fresh blood, and stomped down the hallway. A thousand scents filled his nostrils, the strongest being the smell of prey, of food. Food that he needed to kill.

It's their fault.

He heard a loud sound, a popping sound that resonated around him, and he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Orange turned with a loud growl, and saw another human.

He leapt towards them, snapping his jaws around the big metal object that they held and ripped it out of their grip. The metal creaked under the force, and he threw it aside. Orange then darted forwards again, clamping his jaws around their ankles and biting down hard.

He felt the bone cracking underneath his teeth, and the human let out a high pitched scream. Orange tried to get himself to let go, but he couldn't. He couldn't move.

It's their fault.

The words continued to echo in his head, over and over again. He did not let go. He waited until the human fell over, then he climbed on top of them and dug his claws into their chest.

Orange waited there, keeping them dug into the flesh, waiting until blood had begun to pool on the ground. Then he finally ripped them out, tearing some skin off with them.

He turned around, forgetting about the pain in his shoulder, and continued to run through the building, tearing and ripping through any human he could find. All the while, the voice continued to grow louder.

It's their fault.


He slammed into another figure. Before he could even see what it was, he swung his claws, scratching up the face of the human. Orange dashed forward and bit into one of their arms.

As he bit down harder on the arm, he continued to rip and maul the human. He felt blood splash onto his face again, but he didn't care. All he cared about was killing, hurting.

As he felt the body go limp beneath him, he stood up, glancing around for more to kill. More to eat, more to hunt.

Then something moved in the corner of his vision.

He whipped his head around, growling loudly, when he saw that it was a piece of paper. The spiraling thoughts inside his head seemed to slow down as he looked at it.

It was in the human's hand. He looked down, remembering where he was, and saw the blood, the gore. He stepped back, horrified, as he looked at what lay before him.

The world around him came skidding to a stop as Orange felt tears well up in his eyes. It couldn't be.

It couldn't be.

Not this.

He looked down at the face of his victim, the poor, poor victim. And then he saw what he had feared. He couldn't breathe.

It was Chase.

It was his friend, his dear friend. He just killed his friend.

He just killed his friend.

Orange felt himself shaking as he looked down at what he had done. The blood staining his claws, the blood and gore that was once the boy's body.

He looked again at the paper in his hand, now stained with blood. He picked it up, his claws were trembling, and his vision was blurry, but he could still make it out.

It was a drawing. Another drawing made out of crayons.

On the drawing was a picture of Blue holding the boy's hand. Above the small picture, messily written in a blue crayon, was the words, "The Rainbow Friends are my best friends!"

Orange felt himself choking up, feeling as if the world was slowly closing in around him. He stared at the picture, reading the words over and over again.

It's their fault.

He gripped the paper tight in his bloodied claws. The body below him was almost unrecognizable now, so covered in gore. He could barely look at it, but he did anyway.

Orange looked at the lifeless eyes.

It's their fault.

And he fell to his knees, clutching the paper to his chest.

It's my fault.


Was this chapter uncalled for? Yes.

Did I enjoy writing this? Also yes. (Possibly too much)

So uhm.....there you go. Now I will vanish for another few days and reappear with the last part of this chapter.

Have a good day/night reader!

Next Chapter: These Memories (Part 4/4)

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