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haenyeo* : jeju island mermaids - women who go into the sea and bring back seafood from diving


"Woah woah! I'm not letting a woman who can't even be grateful take the stuff I paid for!" Seungmin yelled and I rolled my eyes, this was some bullshit.

I was not required to participate in these dumb dinners every two weeks.

"Here, take your stuff." I was done, I poured the bottle of soju over his head, slamming the bottle on the table when it emptied all over his head.

He stood up, in a fit of blind rage. I turned around, heading out without any regret, I would definitely be regretting this tomorrow morning.

"HEY! YEOJIN! GET BACK-" Seungmin tried to pounce on me, but he was being held back by my colleagues. 

I walked out into the cool breeze, it was somewhat peaceful. Summer was nearing each second, the flowers bloomed and trees swayed gracefully.

Yet despite the happiness of the world, I was still unhappy.

I kicked rocks, trudging my feet across the bricks of concrete as I made my way back to my apartment complex.

I should just run away.

I sighed, stopping by a convenience store near my house, grabbing a drink and something to eat. I was hundred percent guaranteed that I was definitely fired tomorrow. I may as well enjoy the last night of being employed.

I made my way into my apartment, changing the second I could, and sitting on the sofa. I didn't do much for the rest of the night, just watching a series on the tv as I drank and ate.

Up until an advertisement came onto the tv.

'Enjoy the beautiful seas of Jeju, full of Haenyeo's* who serve fresh seafood in homely restaurants'

'A cozy atmosphere, a guaranteed safe and enjoyable stay! You could be here, come to Jeju!'

I stared at the screen, flashing pretty scenery of vast, glimmering waters, boats and small yachts parked at bay, local markets and restaurants.

It looked very cute. I sighed, sitting upright and grabbing my phone immediately. I typed up some flights towards Jeju Island, and surprisingly, found a few.

I wasn't sure if this was a good decision, should I book a flight to Jeju? What would I even do there?

It'd be so obvious that I am from Seoul, and I have a feeling that residents of Jeju would dislike me for coming to their hometown.

I sighed, leaving the tab open on my phone and staring at the ceiling for a while. But then, I gained an overwhelming urge to just, pack some stuff.

I made my way over to my bedroom, staring around at the blandness of my room - even though my income was pretty decent, I don't think I had ever splurged on myself or my house. I just saved money like an old woman - as if I would do something with it.

Truthfully, I had nothing to do with my money, I didn't need any new clothes since I rarely went out, I didn't need room decor because I wasn't home that often, all I really spent money on was bills, food and hygiene.

Wow, my life was sad.

But despite the depressing life I led, I still continued to take clothes from my closet, neatly folding them into the only suitcase I had. I never travelled anywhere, didn't buy myself any holidays ever.

The closest friends I had weren't even that close to me. I saw they had been on holidays to Europe, to places like Paris, Berlin, even some to states in America.

But me? The furthest I've probably been would be somewhere near Busan - which isn't even really far from Seoul.

I stared at the open suitcase on my bed, really deeping how sad my life was. I was pretty much alone for the past good few years, even in high school I was a rather weird kid, instead of spending money on accessories, or makeup, or just to go out, I saved my money instead.

I was a real strange kid, but I suppose traits stick like that even in adulthood.

I looked at my phone, staring at the flight tomorrow for Jeju Island at 3pm. And without any further hesitation, I booked the flight, the page loaded, and a smile crossed my face as a message came up on my phone.


Here it was, my first ever trip alone.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now