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After changing, I looked at myself in the mirror. A smile crept upon my face, but without a doubt, I wiped it off the second I clocked what the hell I was doing again.

His clothes were very obviously too big for me, I mean, it was obvious before even wearing them. That man was a whole six foot tall.

I hesitated walking into the living room, where the three of them were sat. But, I had to eventually, so I just got it done and over with. I stepped into the living room, all three eyes on me.

Saeron had her eyes full of annoyance, her lips were pressed together tightly as if she had something to say, but couldn't say it with everyone here.

Niki just stared at me, stared at me like I was some kind of gold. He watched as I sat on the floor, beside his grandma.

Niki's grandma gave a quick look, then with a smile, continued to peel oranges.

"Here, take this." Niki's grandma placed an orange slice into my mouth, I had no choice but to accept it.

Thankfully, this meant that she liked me. If any asian grandparent ever gives you fruit, that just ultimately means that they love you.

I felt relieved being next to his grandma, contrary to the two who were sat in front of me. Not to mention, I was especially terrified of Saeron.

I don't think I should even come home tonight. She might just murder me in my sleep.

I looked out the window, the rain was at it's heaviest, and I wasn't sure it'd stop any time soon. It was strange to me, despite it being almost a month into summer, rainfall here was much more common than in Seoul.

"You guys should all sleep here, the rain is too much. You will all get sick." Niki's grandma shook her head, peeling more oranges and placing them on a small plate for me.

"Ah, you know umbrellas exist." Niki gave a smile, trying to take an orange slice off my plate, but his grandma smacked his hand away.

I gave a satisfied grin, full of attitude towards Niki, as he gave a light scoff, he was definitely so bitter.

"I said sleep here, gosh, do you ever listen?" Niki's grandma cleared her throat, continuing to peel more fruit.

"Hey, what about me? Where's the fruit for your grandson? Why is Yeojin only getting fruit?" Niki pestered her with questions, he was so salty he didn't get any fruit.

Suck on that Niki.

"Yeojin helped me with carrying the fruits in! Ah, but whatever, here." She started to peel the fruits and give some to both Saeron and Niki, now he was pretty satisfied.

Eventually, as time passed, Niki's grandma went into a different room to sleep. She had given us all sleeping bags to sleep on the living room floor, it wasn't the most coziest of spaces, but was I really going to complain?

Absolutely not.

So, after a while of just doing a shit load of nothing, we eventually got into our sleeping bags. The light was turned off, the rain trickling onto the windows loudly.

Niki was in the middle, I was on the right, Saeron on the left. What an amazing formation.

I lay there, staring into the ceiling. The room was completely pitch black, and I wasn't really feeling sleepy in any way at all. I felt way too anxious to even fall asleep.

So, after a while of mindlessly staring into space and having zero will to fall asleep, I sat up, ever so quietly standing up and walking towards the front. I stood outside, under the balcony as I watched the rain fall.

The only thing that really illuminated the porch was a singular lantern, yellow with colour. I silently watched as the rain droplets splashed to the floor, it slowly started to stop and lighten.

"Can't sleep?" A voice came from behind me, once more, startling me at the deepness.

I turned around, for a split second, then turned back to face the front, crossing my arms and staring out.

"Yeah, it's impossible." I sighed as Niki stood beside me, we leant on the fence of the porch, just gazing out into the open.

"Do you wanna see something cool?" He randomly inquired, and I looked at him, with a chuckle and then rolling my eyes.

"I don't have any shoes on." I told him, I was a little bit scared truthfully, not only because of Niki's grandma, but also because of Saeron, what if she woke up and saw that the two of us were gone.

"Get on my back then." Niki offered, obviously, finding a solution to my rejection. I looked at him, wondering if he was actually serious.

He turned his head, his eyes sparkling in this warm yellow light. He was one hundred percent serious. I looked away from him, wondering if it was a good idea.

"Well, it better be cool enough to leave the house in the middle of the night." I finally gave in as he chuckled with such a cute smile, he leant down as I placed my arms around his back, he lift me up walking away from his grandma's house.

As I was on his back, I looked around, the town was solemn and very very quiet. My heartbeat could probably be heard, it was pounding against the cages of my ribcage, I'm guaranteed even Niki could've heard it since he gave a chuckle for no honest reason.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now