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"I was only here for twelve weeks, it was supposed to be just for the summer." I started as he didn't look away from me, not once, "I didn't want any relationships because I had to come back to Seoul whether I liked it or not. I had to come back because I have a job, a life here and I don't know any better." I explained.

"And you couldn't of told me that?" Niki gave a bitter chuckle.

"I couldn't!" I told him in an exasperated manner, which startled him slightly, "Do you even consider how hard it was for me to even try? I love you Niki, I fucking do, and every day I tried to convince myself to tell you, but could I? No."

A small smile reached his lips, finally, that cold shell of his must've broken.

"I was scared, okay? I didn't want a failed relationship, just like I had with Jeongu, so I thought that it wouldn't hurt if I just forgot about you, but it turns out I simply can't." I gave a groan, feeling defeated.

"You know you aren't obliged to stay in Seoul just because you've been here for your whole life." Niki told me something I knew for years on end.

"I know that, I just felt accustomed here though. Nobody knows me when I walk out, or when I go to a restaurant, there's nobody that knows my name or my face. In Jeju it's different, everybody knows me there, and it was just, overwhelming at times." 

"So? Is it really that bad? Didn't you come to Jeju in the first place to get away from a place like this? Tell me it's better here than Jeju and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want." Niki seemed to get a little annoyed, I swallowed hard, his words like an arrow through my heart.

I looked down, this painful feeling in my heart. I hate when this guy is mad at me, it just doesn't feel right.

"It's not. I fucking hate it here Niki." I felt as if I was being consumed by emotions at this moment, tears welling up at my eyes, as much as I didn't want them to, they still persisted, "Everywhere I go, I'm reminded of you. I drink so much in order to forget you and Jeju, but can I? No, I can't." I wiped my eyes as my voice shook gently.

"I get you're mad at me, I understand why too, but you need to know that I've also suffered my half." I looked up at him, his face fully softened as he stared at me, eyes sparkling like the first time we met.

He didn't say anything at first, just approached me and pulled me into his arms, gently rubbing his hand down my hair.

"Alright, alright. I didn't want to make you cry." Niki gently gave a chuckle, "At least you're safe. That's all I hoped for, for the time you were gone."

The way he spoke seemed to make me break down more, I just glued myself to him, crying in his arms as he consoled me.

"Don't even speak, you just make me cry more." I pulled away from him, walking off in a sulk as he smiled, laughing and finding this totally amusing.

"Oh come on, get over here." He pulled me back, hugging me from behind with such a huge grin on his face, "I love you, so don't cry."

I gave a smile, trying to suppress it as much as I could, but being around him, sadness was completely impossible.


After a while in his apartment, which he explained to me that he had for years, just never lived in it and occasionally came back for a few days, Niki asked me a serious question.

"Alright, listen." Niki's voice was assertive, and not a single hint of playfulness was present, "Jeju or Seoul."

I looked at him, my heart loudly beating out of my chest. I knew my answer, but would he like it?

"What is this question for..." I asked before replying.

"Answer it." He didn't respond to my question at all, just telling me instead.

"Jeju." I replied, and a smile crossed his face, standing up and looking at me.

"The fuck are we doing here then? Let me drop you off to your apartment and pack your shit. I'm giving you thirty minutes." Niki had a bright beam on his face, if he could, he'd probably prance around the apartment in happiness.

"What?" I sat up, not processing a single thing.

"What? Don't tell me you want to stay here." Niki's smile faded quickly, and I furrowed my brows.

"Obviously not, come on then."


pls this chapter was so hard to write solely because while i was writing this (and as im writing this note rn) i was listening to love talk by wayv omg i had to take like 329480934 breaks because i HAD to pretend i was singing this while excessively body rolling and literally being the worlds best dancer ever

dont even doubt me on that guys

the second love talk plays at the function you best believe i am body rolling and grinding on the floor tf

anyways update prob on monday cause i know for a fact im gonna be so tired tomorrow LOL

i hated writing this chapter i literally hate making my characters angsty and cry because it makes me feel so weird like why r u crying stop youre supposed to be a strong female lead who kicks ass tf is this

like my fav character out of all my fanfics so far is def yuri nishimura from cherry lipstick

that girl is a baddie i would 100% smash if she was real


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