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The rest of the day passed by rather slow, I was still completely in shock that I even thought about Niki in that way. Even more ashamed that I was living in the same place that a girl that likes him resides in too.

Speaking of which, Saeron came back home, evident by the slamming of the door. I don't think I could face her, not after lying straight to her face about where I was on the night I was gone.

She knows, she definitely knows. It'd be more of a surprise if she didn't know.

I sat in my room, just listening for her footsteps to slowly silence, and as they did, I took this opportunity to go outside.

It was dark outside, but since the town was safe most of the time, I paid no attention to the darkness and possible dangers.

I hurriedly rushed out, sparing no time to even waste. Walking outside felt like a complete weight off my chest, no Saeron around me, no tension.

Yet as I walked along the beach, I stared at the water rippling back and forth. And for some strange reason, It threw me back to the time with Niki.

It was all I could think about right now, Niki this, Niki that. All in my mind, were memories full of Niki.

I stopped once again, my face written with horror as I kept doing the same thing I tried so hard to escape. Oh my god, oh my god.

I shook my head in denial, thinking this was just a one time thing and that I was only thinking about him because it was a fun memory, not because he was in it.

I made my way away from the beach, not wanting to reminisce any more about that guy, instead, I wandered aimlessly around the neighbourhood houses, it was quiet and nothing was literally happening here.

If I were in Seoul, I reckon I would have been kidnapped by now.

At one point, small speckles of rain started to drip from the clouds, it wasn't heavy rain, nor was it extremely fast, just the occasional spitting of droplets from the sky.

I found myself passing Niki's grandma's house, strangely. I stopped, walking slowly among the brick wall-fence as I heard two voices talking to each other.

One male, one female.

"Is it true you slept with Yeojin?" My heart beat hard against my chest at the voice of Saeron making an appearance, just as I thought I could get away from her, I clearly couldn't, and the topic she was asking him was the one I tried my best to avoid.

"Saeron, what?" Niki gave an amused laugh, as if this topic was so irrelevant.

"You know, there's just been rumours then and there, that Yeojin was seen coming out of your house. So naturally, people came up with those conclusions." Saeron's tone of voice didn't sound jealous at all, not towards Niki anyways, but you could clearly hear that she was one hundred percent either jealous, or mad.

Or both, who knows.

"Ah, I bet it was the grandmas gossipping again." Niki vaguely replied, followed by another chuckle.

This guy took this topic so lightly, didn't give any clear answers at all. Was he doing this on purpose or what?

"Ahaaa, but, you know.. is it true?" Saeron gave a fake laugh, insisting subtly on an answer.

The rain began pouring more heavily by the second.

"What if I said it was?" Niki didn't give an exact answer once again, but the way he replied made my heart stop for a second, I almost gave my place away by the gasp I let out.

I scurried away, in a rush, the rain was getting heavier and heavier and I could not get caught overhearing their conversation.

Unexpectedly, I bumped into Niki's grandma, who was carrying a heavy basket in the rain. I grabbed it off her without hesitation. If I could get her to like me, I'd be able to stay around Niki with ease.

I paused again, my eyes widening in the same horror as earlier. Yeojin, what the hell is wrong with you.

"Let me take that, come on, quick! It's raining." I insisted as she gave a laugh, scurrying towards her house.

"Oh, you're going to get sick!" She told me, I gave her a light smile, walking inside her front garden, where surprisingly, the two weren't there anymore.

We ushered inside, I have no idea why the basket she had was so heavy, but nonetheless, I carried it inside her home, completely soaked in the rain.

As I caught my breath inside the house, I looked around, realising that Niki and Saeron were sat in the living room, both looking at me.

Niki stood up without a second thought, heading over to me and grabbing basket off me. He gazed into my eyes, a slight hint of worry and concern.

"You're gonna get sick, go get changed." Niki told me, and I stared at him with a sneering look.

"With what clothes??" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, he moved the basket to the kitchen, returning shortly after with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"With my clothes." He handed me the clothes, I simply stared at him, swallowing hard and speechlessly. I had no idea what to do, Saeron was here, he was here, his own grandma was here.

And most importantly, I had no idea what was going on with me. I took the clothes off him, he had such an innocent smile on his face, as if he had no clue what he was doing - maybe he didn't - but either way, it annoyed me how he was so clueless.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now