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Niki and Seohee turned their heads round, to see who called for my name. But I didn't.

I stared forward, the smile that was once on my face, bitterly wiped off into a straight-faced expression. Footsteps reached closer to where I was, and I turned my head, looking straight up into his eyes.

"Yeojin where have you been? Can you please return my calls, I want you back, please." Jeongu stood before me, begging me to come back to him.

"Jeongu, can you not right now?" I crossed my arms, my tone cold and harsh. It was embarrassing enough seeing him here, but if he made a scene in front of Niki and Seohee, I think I'd have to move countries to live normally again.

"Yeojin I need you back. Please baby." He tried to grab my hand, but I retract my hand away from his the second I felt his touch on me, "I fucking miss you, I can't live without you."

"What do you not understand about leaving me alone? Seriously Jeongu, get the hell away from me, and leave me alone." I bitterly retort, furrowing my brows as Niki watched in silence.

Niki poked his tongue through his cheek, staring at Jeongu intently, his eyes were no longer the sharp, doe eyed shape I knew them as, but now, they were keen, sharp and observant.

"I'm gonna fucking kill myself if you don't come back to me." Jeongu suddenly spoke, and I frowned in utter shock, was this guy sober right now?

"I don't care." I turned my head back to face the front, Jeongu reached for my wrist, pulling me up from my chair. I sat back down as he attempted to drag me off.

"Can you take your hands off my girlfriend?" Niki interject, his voice deeper than usual, and even carrying a bit of a scary undertone to it.

Seohee almost spat out her noodles, she was now paying full attention to the scene going on, with widened and interested eyes.

Here you go Seohee, a real life k-drama for you.

Jeongu's grip on my wrist loosened massively, he stared at Niki, eyes hinted with a slight taste of fury.

"What did you just say?" Jeongu dropped my wrist, growling as he stared into Niki's eyes.

Niki clenched his jaw, looking completely unphased and irritated by Jeongu's presence itself.

"I'm telling you to leave my girlfriend alone." Here he used the 'girlfriend' word again, and for a strange reason, I had to bite the corner of my cheek in order to stop my smile from peering out, "Quit the fucking texts too, they're cringe as hell."

Jeongu tilt his head to the side, giving a scoff of disbelief and anger.

"That's your boyfriend Yeojin? Him?" Jeongu looked at me for confirmation, pointing at Niki.

"Yes." I said without hesitation, the look on his face was comical. He was so fucking mad, his lips pressed together tightly and his eyes narrowing.

"No way." He shook his head, still not believing what he was hearing, "Yeojin, you seriously choose him over me? Come on baby, remember our memories."

The corner of my lip lift as I rolled my eyes, this guy was so frustrating. There were no memories I remembered, aside from the one where I walked in on him cheating on me.

"You mean the memory where I found you in the same bed as another woman?" I scoffed as Jeongu stared at me, speechless.

"It was a singular mistake. I promised I wouldn't do it again, you aren't thinking clear Yeojin, please." Jeongu attempted to reach for my hand once more, but before he could, Niki took ahold of my hand and Seohee's hand, standing up and walking out.

He followed us out, pleading for me to come back to him, to text him and to forgive him.

"Jeongu. Move." I demanded, staring him in the eyes as I let go of Niki's hand. The two walked forth.

"I want you to come back to me." Jeongu argued back, almost more of a demand.

"I want you to fuck off." I walked around him, trying to catch up to Niki and Seohee.

Niki slowed down, looking back at me, he seemed frustrated too. I walked beside him, giving a sigh. But of course, I couldn't just peacefully walk with Jeongu behind me.

He grabbed my arm once again, a firm grasp. Niki stopped, spinning around and staring Jeongu dead in the eyes with such a glare that I would've pissed myself on the spot.

Niki was taller than Jeongu too, by a good few inches. 

"If you put your hands on my girl one more time, I swear to god I'm going to break your limbs." Niki calmly spat, the sole fact that he said it in such a relaxed tone was chilling.

Jeongu let go, staring at Niki with a displeased expression. Niki reached for my hand, walking off finally free from Jeongu.

"RETURN MY CALLS YEOJIN. BABY I MISS YOU, HE'S NO GOOD FOR YOU!!!" Jeongu yelled, his voice fading as we walked further and further away.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now