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Not so long after, Niki, Saeron and the woman ran towards me. I stood up, giving a small wobble as I regained my balance.

My breath was still heavy, and I was trying to catch my breath. I looked inside the envelope, and just as I thought, there were notes upon notes of money.

"Here." I handed the envelope back to the woman, who just deeply bowed, wiping her eyes.

Niki grabbed the guy by his arms, handing him over to the officers who had arrived too. He then turned to look at me, as I had my hands on my knees, sweating and tired.

"What are you? A trackstar?" Niki chuckled as I stood upright, glaring at him.

"Thank you so much! Oh my god, this was all my savings." She held my hand with such pleading eyes, ever so thankful.

"Why were you giving some random guy that much money anyways?" I wondered, seriously, I wouldn't of trusted anyone with money like that. But I suppose it makes sense since Jeju is a small island, you gotta trust everyone.

She looked down, ashamed and hesitating to even answer my question.

"He promised a trip for my daughter to go to Seoul. She's only fifteen, and her dream was to go to Seoul. He said that he'd give her a tour." Her voice was low.

I gave a sigh. Why was Seoul so idealised? Seriously it was arguably worse in Seoul than here.

"Oh! Yeojin is from Seoul!" Saeron suddenly told the woman, and I just slowly turned my head to look at her.

I left Seoul to leave my past behind, and now you're saying stuff like this?

"Miss Hwang, you shouldn't just give money to random people like this, you know not everybody has pure intentions." Niki stepped in, giving a sigh as she nodded timidly, "Thanks to Yeojin, you luckily didn't get your money stolen."

The lady looked up at me, swallowing hard.

"Please, let me treat you for your kindness." She offered and I just gave an uncomfortable chuckle.

"I just ate, but maybe another day?" I didn't want to seem too disrespectful, and besides, I was soaking wet, again.

"Please feel free to come into my store anyday." She gave a slight bow, Niki smiled gently at her as she walked off.

Now, I was dripping with water, legs hurting and tired. This was not how I expected my first day in Jeju.

Niki gave a laugh, just staring at the state of me.

"How the fuck did you manage to fall into the docks once again? Should I give you a buoy just incase?" Niki joked, placing his arm around me as we walked away from the docks, a mission successful I'd say.

I squeezed the water out of my hair, seriously in disbelief. Because just how is it possible to fall into water twice in one day?

"Don't even mention it." I shook my head, annoyed that I'd have to change once again.

"Maybe you should join the Haenyeos? You seem to be good at this water thing." Niki continued with his lame ass jokes, he was finding this totally entertaining.

Saeron was busy kicking rocks, looking down at her feet as we walked in the direction of her house.

"Don't even make me throw you in the water too." I scoffed, warning Niki, he took his arm off me, placing them into his pockets and admiring the fresh sunlight in the sky.

"You wouldn't even dare." Niki smiled, obviously teasing me and provoking me further. This guy clearly had no idea who I was, and what I was capable of.

I stopped walking, looking at him as he realised that I stopped walking. His smile wiped off his face in an instant, and he started to run.

Without even a second of doubt, I ran after him, desperate to catch his ass and give him a taste of his own medicine. But unfortunately for me, the running after that thief had really killed my legs off, not to mention my energy.

By the time I even caught up to him, he was smugly leant against the brick fence around Saeron's house, crossed arms with a satisfied grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes, breathing heavily.

"Aw, were you too tired?" Niki jeered, trying to rile me up.

I gave a soft groan, completely ignoring him and his words, walking past him and into the front of Saeron's house.

She followed behind silently, she probably was so unhappy about this.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now