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Jinyoung gave a scoff, looking over to the side for a second and then back at Niki, he had such a glare towards Jinyoung it was unreal.

I still couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

"Bring it on." Jinyoung replied, a small smirk curving onto Niki's lips.



Even during workplace dinners, I don't think I have ever drank this much alcohol before. I could barely even see before me, and the world was essentially spinning before me.

The two were probably still testing their alcohol tolerance.

Or not. I feel as they had just given up, seeing the state both me in Saeron were in, completely out of our minds. Or at least I was.

"I didn't come here to babysit two drunk women." Jinyoung groaned.

"Then you can leave." Niki coldly responded, still not warming up to Jinyoung whatsoever.

I felt as if me and Saeron really could've been friends if she wasn't so two-faced. I suppose we were pretty similar, but nevermind, maybe in another life.

I slammed my face onto the table, it shook slightly.

"I just wanna go home." I groaned out loud, leaning my face on the table, looking at Niki who just stared down at me.

And out of nowhere, as if by miracle, a small smile crept up onto his face. His eyes glittered once more, lips sweetly smiling slightly. I was too drunk to even comprehend that he smiled at me, I had zero thoughts.

"I'll take you home Yeojin." Jinyoung said, and I gave an inaudible sigh, but it was audible enough for Niki to hear. He simply looked at me, with those purest eyes ever, giving another smile and a light chuckle.

"I don't even think you know where you are, let alone where Yeojin lives. Let me take it from here." Niki stood up, Jinyoung stood up at the same time.

"Listen, I've known Yeojin for longer than you have. I don't think it'd be safe for me to let you take a drunk woman home." Jinyoung insisted, and I really just wanted to leave.

Niki raised his brow, giving a scoff.

"What kind of guy do you think I am?" Niki glared at Jinyoung, "You know nothing about me, so I suggest you turn back to your hotel and sober up."

Ouch, even I felt that one.

Jinyoung was silent. I lift my head up, looking at Saeron's fixated glare on me. She took another shot of soju, downing it with her eyes still on me.

Ouch, that one was horrible too.

"Hey. Yeojin, can we talk?" Saeron's cold voice cut me off guard, and I felt as if I had just been sobered up in an instant.

Niki looked at Saeron, then to me, a little worried.

"Uh.. yes." I gave a hiccup, roughly standing up and almost falling to the floor since my legs felt numb as hell. Niki grabbed me real quick, making sure I didn't quite fall to the ground.

I cleared my throat, trying to make myself feel normal again. Saeron led me away from the table, somewhere along the beach.

We walked around in silence, the sun was almost finished setting. I wondered what she wanted from me, that was so secretive that she'd have to tell me in private.

We still walked around, slowly, til she stopped and I didn't realise until a following moment after. I spun around, looking at her, just staring into the ocean and not saying anything.

I walked back up to her, awfully confused and completely exhausted. All I wanted to do was just go home and sleep, but clearly I couldn't even do that.

So, we just stood in silence, admiring the picturesque view out on the horizon, it was nice. But for some reason, I didn't feel the niceness of the sky or beach. I simply felt nausea, and not even due to the alcohol, but being stood next to Saeron in such daunting silence.

There was a heavy cloud of uncomfortable silence between the two of us, and I wanted to say something, to break this awkwardness, but my words tumbled and rolled over each other, causing me to say a whole lot of nothing.

"Yeojin." She suddenly said my name, even when she said my name, goosebumps raised upon my skin. This only meant no good.


"Can you do me a favour?" She inquired, and by the tone of her voice, it was a favour that I couldn't deny no matter what.

"What is it?"

Saeron turned to look at me, staring at my face for a few seconds. She admired my facial features, but with some sort of resentment in her eyes.

She was silent, turning her head back to watch the sun go down as the wind blew through our hair gently. I don't know, it was a very unsettling moment, and I felt as if I should just completely bail on her and walk off.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now